Chapter 34: Broken Friendships

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The next day, Tuesday, Celestia strutted into the Great Hall with a newfound confidence, but it wasn't just her demeanor that caught attention—it was the noticeable array of hickeys adorning her neck and shoulders, peeking out from beneath the collar of her neatly buttoned school uniform.

It was a stark departure from her usual attire, where her collar was typically left open and her tie hung loosely around her neck, exuding an air of casual nonchalance. But today, it seemed Celestia had decided to embrace a more polished look.

As she made her way to the Slytherin table, she couldn't help but notice the suggestive smirk Pansy shot her way, though surprisingly, she refrained from making any remarks. It was as if she was attempting to cozy up to Celestia, perhaps sensing a shift in her status quo.

Across the room, Celestia's eyes met Harry's, who sat with his Gryffindor companions. He winked at her mischievously, causing her cheeks to flush bright red. He then blew her a kiss, prompting Celestia to quickly avert her gaze, pretending not to have noticed. She turned to Daphne, attempting to divert attention, but her friend's puzzled expression and subsequent silence only added to her embarrassment.

Before long, a commotion erupted at the Gryffindor table, drawing Celestia's attention. Their Quidditch captain, Angelina, was in a heated exchange with Harry, her voice carrying across the Great Hall. Celestia and her friends leaned in, curious to catch snippets of the conversation. Thankfully, Draco was nowhere to be found; otherwise, he would have undoubtedly been insufferable about the entire ordeal.

As the confrontation escalated, Professor McGonagall intervened, striding over to the Gryffindor table with purpose. She wasted no time in reprimanding the students involved and deducting points from Gryffindor, her stern demeanor leaving no room for argument.

Following the first class of the day, Celestia made a swift decision to skip Care of Magical Creatures. The reason? She needed to pay a visit to Madam Pomfrey to address the hickeys adorning her neck and shoulders. It was imperative to take care of them discreetly; after all, she couldn't afford to keep them hidden without anyone noticing.

After classes ended and as the evening wore on, Celestia found herself in slytherin common room along with her peers, the Slytherins' conversation transitioned into light-hearted banter and games, their sassy remarks and competitive nature adding to the lively atmosphere of the common room.

Draco, always eager to assert his dominance, suggested a game of wizarding chess. "I'll take on anyone who dares challenge me," he declared with a smirk.

Blaise rolled his eyes playfully. "We all know you're just itching for an opportunity to show off, Malfoy."

Celestia joined in the teasing. "Don't worry, Blaise. Maybe one day Draco will actually win a game without resorting to underhanded tactics."

Draco shot her a mock offended look before breaking into laughter. "Careful, Celestia. I might have to reconsider our alliance if you keep that up."

Their banter continued as they played, each move accompanied by witty commentary and playful jabs at one another's strategies.

Blaise leaned back in his chair, surveying the scene with amusement. "You know, I heard Umbridge gave old Flitwick a run for his money during her inspection today."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Really? I bet she had him hopping around like a particularly stressed-out garden gnome."

Draco chuckled. "It's about time someone put those other professors in their place. Always favoring Potter, They could learn a thing or two from Umbridge."

Pansy, who had been lounging on the nearby sofa, piped up with a mischievous grin. "Speaking of learning, has anyone seen Crabbe and Goyle attempt to study lately? It's like watching trolls trying to transfigure a teacup."

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