Chapter 4: Spectrum (Lady Wifi)

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Avaline POV

As the lesson went on, I noticed that Ryo hasn't been paying attention that much while Marinette was mostly absent. Ever since the battle with Pharaoh, I've noticed that Ryo was mostly exhausted and rarely participated in class. Marinette, however, was probably busy oversleeping and dreaming about Adrien.

I noticed Alya was holding a piece of paper with a hole in it and holding it up to people's faces. She then held it up to Chloe's face, and Chloe pointed at Ms. Bustier. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as Alya put her cut out down.

"Is Marinette still in the girl's room?" Ms Bustier asked.

Alya shrugged.

"Hey, man. You ok?" Adrien asked Ryo, who was rubbing his eyes.

"Couldn't sleep much last night." He replied.

Oddly enough, I've heard that not only Kitsune has been fighting akumas alongside us, he was also seen fighting criminals often at night. While it doesn't bother me much, it seems that Ladybug was always giving him dirty looks.

After class, I made my way to the library until I saw Alya with Nino, Abigail, Claudia and an exhausted Ryo. Alya had her phone in her hand and was trying to call Marinette with no success.

"Any luck?" Ryo yawned.

"No. Can you help us find her?" She asked.

"Do we have to?" I sighed.

"Yes. We do." Abigail replied, nudging me.

Alya and Abigail decided to check the girls' bathroom while Ryo, Claudia, Nino and I  asked around. I walked up to Juleka and Rose and asked them. They simply shook their heads and bid them goodbye. I caught up with the others.

"No luck." I said.

"Same here." Abigail replied.

"Same with us." Nino included while Ryo nodded.

"Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL. She's not calling me back! Where is that girl?!" Alya sighed.

"Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o."Nino added.

"Don't let him hear you say that." I chuckled.

"Anyway, why do you need to speak to Marinette anyway?" Ryo asked.

"I found the real Ladybug. She's a student in our school." Alya said.

Ryo suddenly awoke as his jaw dropped.

"Really!? No way!" Nino gasped.

"This would make the views on the ladyblog go skyhigh!" Alya said with a grin.

"Yeah. And make you a target because you know her. Also, I think you should drop the whole detective act. It's not a good idea to find out who Ladybug is. The same with her allies." I said, crossing my arms.

Ryo composed himself and nodded.

"Hear me out, ok?" Alya pleaded.

Abigail nodded while the rest of us sighed.

"Chloe is Ladybug." Alya said.

I raised an eyebrow while Ryo seemed unsure. Claudia and Nino laughed.

"Chloe? Seriously? You are cray-cray, lady!" Nino laughed.

"I'm with Nino on this one. I don't think I can see Ladybug with blonde hair and a ponytail. Also, Chloe would pick a way better outfit than a tight-fitted pair of PJs." Claudia added.

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