Chapter 16: Two Akumas!?/Vanisher and Antibug

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Chloe POV

I scoffed to myself as I looked through my closet to find what to wear.

"This is rubbish! Ugh, I don't have anything to wear!" I groaned as I looked at the outfits.

Too pink.

Last season.

Never in season.

I groaned as I slumped onto the ground.

"I'll just go to the mall with Dia after school." I sighed.

Maybe it can keep my mind off my fight with Sabrina.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of glass shattering. I looked around and saw no one.

"Who's there!?" I called.

Suddenly, a cosmetic bottle lifts up into the air and throws itself at me along with my other items and my red high heel shoes.

"Come back, shoes! It's not true, I love you!" I called as they fell out of my window.

What the hell is going on!?


Today's been quiet so far. Sabrina was absent and Chloe was in a really bad mood. I asked Nino about Sabrina's whereabouts, but he said he wasn't sure.

"Did something happen to Chloe?" I asked Tyson.

"Maybe she woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The dark haired student shrugged.

Suddenly, I heard her yelp in pain.

"What is it, Chloe?" Ms. Mendeleiev asked.

"Someone pulled my hair!" Chloe shrieked, glaring at Mylene.

"It wasn't me." Mylene replied.

"It wasn't her, it's -- it's some invisible mystical being. Like a leprechaun. Or a unicorn without the horn." Chloe said.

"Chloe, maybe you're imagining things again." Claudia reassured.

Again? What is she on about?

"This has been happening all day. I feel like the universe is out to get me." Chloé rubs her head before she suddenly crashes into the brunette.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"What is going on here?" Ms. Mendeleiev asks as she approaches the girls.

"I don't know, Ms. Mendeleiev. I think-" Claudia  gets cut off when she suddenly slams her head down onto the desk, "Ow!"

I narrowed my eyes to see the perpetrator. Suddenly, my books were tossed onto the ground. As I was about to pick them up, something shoved me against my desk. Adrien and Avaline helped me up to my feet while Chloe was being chased by her purse.

Something's definitely not right.

Timeskip After School

As the bell rang, everyone's phones rang as I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a couple of pictures of what has been happening to Chloe and Claudia. I went to my locker and saw the words "Traitor" graffitied onto the door.

"My hunch was correct. Looks like someone's got a huge vendetta against Chloe and Claudia. And by the looks of it, I'm also a target."

After swapping into Kitsune, I followed the two back to her apartment and searched the rooms, to no avail. Suddenly, Dire-Wolf ,Ladybug and Cat Noir appeared.

As we looked around, I heard a press conference downstairs involving the Mayor.

"Damaging my daughter's reputation is the same as soiling the reputation of the Mayor of Paris, uh, which is me. An attack on Chloé is an attack on Paris!" He announced.

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