Chapter 7:Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery (Copycat)

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Today was the unveiling of the heroes, though none of us were looking forward to it. 

Ladybug has been in a sour mood ever since the battle with Rogercop. Cat Noir was feeling down due to Claudia giving him the cold shoulder. Dire-Wolf continue to fight crime alone and rarely showed up to akuma battles and I continued training.

Even at school, my mood hasn't changed. To the point that I started distancing myself from Marinette, despite her apology.

"I think it's high time you apologies to Claudia . Well, not you. Ladybug." Inari said to me.

"Speaking of which, Claudia's been pretty down ever since the fight. After what Dire-Wolf said to her, she seemed to have second thoughts about accusing us. But, Ladybug won't apologies to her. She's too stubborn." I told him.

"And Dire-Wolf?"

I sighed. "I managed to talk to her during patrol. She said she'll try and get on Claudia's good side. But, if not, then that's on her."

After a while, I swapped into Kitsune and made my way to the unveiling ceremony, only to see Dire-Wolf and Cat Noir greeting the crowd. With a smirk behind my mask, I dived off the roof and landed in between them, startling them.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Cat Noir pouted playfully.

"Maybe." I replied, causing Dire-Wolf to chuckle.

As the crowd took pictures of us, I noticed that Ladybug hadn't arrived yet. I looked to see Cat Noir looking at Claudia with a despondent expression. Before he could say anything, the man who made the sculpture cut him off.

 Before he could say anything, the man who made the sculpture cut him off

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"Excuse me, Chat Noir, but Ladybug's not here." He says.

"Don't worry about Ladybug. I'm sure she'll be here any minute. Kitsune, Dire-Wolf and I can handle this situation alone for now. I'm the one in charge anyway, you know." Chat Noir gestures to himself.

"Mostly." Dire-Wolf commented, earning a chuckle from me.

"Really?" Claudia looks over at him, "I thought Ladybug was just an uptight bitch who felt the need to push you around to prove that she's an independent woman..." the brunette scoffs, "Which she's not."

"Hey, that's not-!"

"I'm sure Claudia has her own opinion about Ladybug, er-." I trailed off for a moment.

"Theo." The man said.

"Right. Theo."

"Well, sure she can be uptight at times, but she's mostly stubborn as hell." Chat Noir rolls his eyes a little, "That's probably why she's not here right now. She probably doesn't feel like she has to apologise."

"No surprise there." Dire-Wolf says. "Speaking of which, I'm sorry for how I acted after the fight with Rogercop."

"Water under the bridge, Dire-Wolf. At least you are capable of admitting your faults. Unlike the polka pansy. And, I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh to you and your team. Except Ladybug, of course." The brunette replied.

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