Chapter 8: An Artist's Fantasy (The Evillustrator)

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Ever since the battle with Copycat, Claudia seems to be more trusting with the heroes, with the exception of Ladybug. Since Cat Noir told her how his kwami had unintentionally took Chloe's bracelet, she seems to be in a better mood than before.

However, her dislike towards Ladybug remains the same.

Our teacher, Ms. Mendeleiev, went on about Physics while I was taking notes until she noticed and groaned in annoyance, she walked to the back of the class as all the students' eyes followed and she stopped at a table where one of our classmates was laying his head on his arms.

"Nathaniel!" She exclaimed scaring the dude as he quickly sat up.

The red haired student was Nathaniel Kurtzberg, an aspiring artist and a good friend of mine. He told me about his crush on Claudia, which didn't surprise me much considering how likeable she is.

"What are you drawing!?" She questioned, Nathaniel tried to respond but stumbled on his words barely making a sentence.

" And these artistic endeavors are clearly why you are barely passing science. Even with Mr Kusanagi tutoring you. " 

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch then you'll really be sorry!" She ordered.

Nathaniel let out a sigh then packed his things, stood up, and began making his way to the door but suddenly tripped on someone's bag causing his art book to fall right in front of Marinette, who began browsing through it while Ms. Mendeleiev picked Nathaniel up by the collar with one hand.

Marinette takes the sketchbook, looking a little angry, "Seriously? Why did you draw yourself as a superhero saving Claudia out of all people."

"Oh boy." I sighed, facepalming.

"Nathaniel, why would you even have a crush on her?" Marinette glares at the brunette, who frowned at her.

"G-Gimme that!" Nathaniel yelled as he snatched his art book from Marnette's hands and glanced at Claudia  with an embarrassed look and left.

Chloe looked over at me and mouthed "You better deal with her after class."

"I'll try." I mouthed back.

 "The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Alya, and Alix."

The trio smiled.

"Next will be Avaline, Abigail and Ryo."

Abigail smiled at this while Avaline and I looked flustered.

"Next is Adrien, Tyson and Claudia."

The two fist bumped while Claudia blushed.

"So lucky!" Marinette grumbles in envy.

"And then, Sabrina, Chloé and Marinette."

The trio gasp as Marinette lays her head down on her desk, Chloé and Sabrina looking at each other.

"Should we swap with Claudia? Or Ryo?" Sabrina suggested.

"And let that creep end up in a group with Adrikins and Tyson?  No way. As with Ryo, let him be. I have a feeling that he's falling for Avaline." Chloe replied, causing my cheeks to turn red with embarrassment.

 "Did you really had to expose Nathaniel like that?" I asked Marinette.

"I was just trying to warn him about Claudia . He's too shy and nice to see her true colours." Marinette narrows her eyes.

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