Chapter 17: A Fox's Discovery (Midas)

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??? POV

"Kistune and his gang have been causing nothing but trouble." One of my henchmen said as he slammed his fist on the desk.

"He needs to be stopped! Most of us have bills to pay!" Another added.

As they started to discuss what to do with Kitsune, I looked down at the picture of Tatsuya Kusanagi and his wife, Erina Hayashi-Kusanagi along with their son, Ryosuke Kusanagi. I also looked at another picture of their son, slightly older. Then, the current picture of Ryosuke Kusanagi along with a pink haired girl dressed in black and the picture of Kitsune.

There's a connection between the two.

I got up on my chair and raised my hand, silencing them.

"I will deal with Robin myself. I won't rest until I clip that bird's wings." I said.

"Are you sure, Boss?" One of them asked.

"I am sure." I replied, stabbing a knife on the picture of The Kusanagi family.

I think I might know who it is. And I know how to do it. 


A lot has been going on over the weeks.

Akuma attacks, Ladybug's reputation slowly draining, Marinette becoming more desperate to earn Adrien's love.

Hell, she even caused Juleka to turn into Reflekta and got kicked out of the class photo for it, resulting in the debut of Claudia as Birichinata after Cat Noir got turned into one of Reflekta's body doubles.

Ever since those moments, Paris started to despise Ladybug. And for good reason.

However, Alya still insisted that Ladybug is still the hero, disregarding the other heroes.

During lunch, I saw that Claudia was rubbing her hand while Adrien was comforting her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"She said she fell and bruised her arm." Adrien replied.

I looked and saw a large bruise on her forearm in the form of a hand print, indicting that she was pushed.

Must've been when Ladybug pushed her. Or, more accurately, Marinette.

I looked over to see Avaline talking to Abigail. . For some reason, I kept seeing both her and Dire-Wolf  at the same time.

"They gotta be the same person." I muttered to myself.

After a long day at school, we parted ways. I made my way home until I saw police officers outside my house. As I went to see what was going on, I was stopped by Lt Roger.

"What happened?" I asked.

 "Your mother has been kidnapped." He told me.

A sense of dread filled my heart as I pushed my way through and saw the whole house ransacked. As I looked around, I found a note pinned to the wall with a knife. 

Come get me, Kitsune.


My eyes widened in shock.

Midas. real name Matthias Chrysus, is a notorious crime-lord back in the USA, but poses as a businessman and philanthropist to hide his double life.  My father did an investigation on him and was killed as a result. The news stated that he was killed due to a car accident, that he lost control of his car and drove off the edge of the bridge.

I believe it at first, but slowly realised that it was a lie.

"Sir! I just got another report that Avaline Grimoire has also been kidnapped!" A police officer called.

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