Chapter - 20

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To be honest I misunderstood kirtiii She's not like other girls who just run behind money I thought all the girls are same but noo She's different but not like other cheap girls who can do anything for money . i thought that She's just saying that she loves me because of my money but no again she proved me wrong . the way she cares about me the way she always makes sure that if I eat well or not and her jolly nature . I'm literally a bastard who thought that She's behind my money but no She's already independent and that too She's a famous writer I'm glad that She's my wife She's such a pure person . i've already hurted her on our wedding night by saying these things . I literally thought that these three girls just want to marry us for name , fame and money nothing else but they proved us wrong my brothers are lucky too who got wives like bhabhis and they too hurted bhabhi's but tej bhai accepted there relationship and are doing all the lovey dovey things but me now i've taken a decision that I will try to be frnd with her first than We'll go further

I thought that I will talk to rajveer bhai to give a chance to their relationship but bhai being bhai he messed up and this time he did a huge mistake by hurting Anu bhabhi and I'm with my bhabhi if she asks me and tej bhai to break rajveer bhai's jaw than we will surely break it without any second while we very well know that he will break our bones tooo but who cares we all are with bhabhi ..............

I was searching for something in my room and collided with kritika I was just looking at her face like how beautiful can someone be this much Pretty her lips I just want to kiss them but not now when she realised in which position We're she made a safe distance than I said '' mrs clumsy be carefull from next time '' to tease her ......she said while getting annoyed'' I'm not clumsy '' She's so cute than I got a call and it was from one of my man who works for me in mafia world and he is sudheer so I made my way out of the room and on call he said that He has got the man who leaked the information about those precious diamonds so I ordered him not kill that man right now as I , Rajveer and tej bhaii personally want to give him the care . he said ''ok boss '' than when I came back in room I saw kirtii was reading something so I just stood behind her and read some lines of the book which she was reading and to be honest what the hell she was reading like he fucked the girl with his gun Seriously? ? when she turned around she saw me I said '' what are you reading '' she understood what I mean but was behaving innocent I said ''he did what with gun '' and her answer made me even more shocked like she romantacize these things She really needs therapy than she gave me nervous smile and said '' good night we should sleep '' saying this she hurriedly made her way to the bed and slept while I was still in trauma but somehow I slept too and in Morning After saying bye and best of luck to bhai I and tej bhai leave for office as there was meeting ............


After spending time with anika I realised that She's the one . I always thought that she will be like those cheap girls but no She's not like them .I really want give this marriage a chance because I know I have started liking her very much She's the one I want ........After spending a whole week With her in paris I got to know about her likes and dislikes . She's just a very good human being I just like her very much .........

I thought that my brothers will also give chance to this marriage and Reyansh is trying his best like not to get angry around kritika and many things but Rajveer bhai literally messed up everything. I've seen how much Anusha bhabhi loves bhai but noo he didn't care about how she feels and said many wrong thing to her he hurted her this much that she decided to leave the house and I'm With bhabhi Actually we all are with bhabhi . I consider her and kritika bhabhi as my sister and these brothers of mine can't hurt them like this ......

When I came in my room I saw anika was applying something on her skin infront of mirror so I back hugged her . we made eye contact through mirror than she passed me a smile I kissed her cheeks and she blushed . she looks cute while blushing Than she said '' tej Let's sleep we have to get up early tomorrow '' I said '' yess babyy '' than we made our way to the bed and while cuddling each other we slept

In morning we got up and after getting fresh we both went downstairs to meet Rajveer bhai he was already standing there talking on call with someone . we wished him morning .kritika and Reyansh came too than we all said ''best of luck to him and to get our bhabhi back '' he promised that he will come with her today only than he leave for delhi in his private jet ......after this I and Reyansh have to go to office as there is a important meeting soo we left .......




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