Chapter 1

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"The interview room was filled with an air of expectation when Athena, with her calm but captivating demeanor, entered. Her exceptional intelligence, with an IQ of 240, was a known fact in academic circles, but what was most surprising was her ability to combine her genius with unique social skills.

Sitting across from the interviewer, Athena displayed her analytical mind with impressive precision. Each question was met with an answer full of depth and clarity. Her prodigious memory left everyone speechless as she effortlessly recalled minute details of complex studies and theories.

But what impacted the most was her ability to connect with people. With genuine empathy and clear communication, Athena demonstrated that her genius was not at odds with humanity. She spoke passionately about the importance of applying knowledge for the benefit of society and shared her visions with a humility that was moving.

By the end of the interview, it was clear that Athena was not only a brilliant mind, but also a compassionate and visionary soul."


When I got home after the interview, I felt overwhelmed by the attention I was receiving. Although I like being the center of attention, sometimes it's too much. I complained a little loudly as I walked to my room.

Once alone in my room, I dropped into my chair and let out a sigh. My room was decorated with many posters of my favorite novel, "Ascendance of a Bookworm." Rozemyne, Ferdinand and the entire cast adorned the walls, in the darkest corner, barely visible, was the figurine of the detestable Detlinde, I had found her by chance in the center, although no one is a fan of this girl, it was on sale like this that I couldn't waste.

However, before going to bed, I decided to study a little more for a NASA entrance test. Although I was exhausted, I remembered my mother's words telling me not to overexert myself. But this time, I told myself that this exam was too important to stop.

So I dove into my notes, trying to absorb the information as quickly as possible. However, fatigue began to take over and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I knew I needed to rest, but I also knew I couldn't afford to fail this test. And then, the inevitable happened...

Ascendance of a Bookworm - OMG, Detlinde...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن