Chapter 1

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It is 7 a.m. in the morning, and your alarm begins ringing loudly: "Ugh! I hate that stupid, noisy alarm," you say. As you roughly turn the alarm off, you hop out of bed and brush your teeth, put on your uniform, and head downstairs.

You can smell the pancakes as you walk down the stairs. "Good morning, sweetie!" Your mom says, "Morning, mom." You respond, "I made you your favorite breakfast!" Your mom says enthusiastically. You sit down and eat the pancakes in a hurry. "What's with the rush?" Your mom asked, "I just don't want to get late for school." You responded, "It's not that late, dear!" Your mom assured you, "I know, but sometimes I take too much time to eat, and then I get late," you said as you expressed your worries.

After eating pancakes, you quickly get your shoes on and run outside. You wait for the bus while standing outside. You see your friend, Subin, approach you and say, "Hey girlie, what's up?!" Subin says enthusiastically, "Ah! How do you have so much energy?" You ask, "I was born with energy, Y/N," Subin says while flipping her hair. "Well, the bus is here, and we better not miss it!" You say it in a demanding tone. While on the bus, Subin gives you a smirk. "You look tired, I see." Subin says, "I spent all night working on my assignment; I can't keep missing deadlines all the time." You say, "Maybe you should stop watching K-dramas all night and focus on your studies." Subin teases, "Don't pretend that you don't spend all your day texting your boyfriend." You tease back, "Ah! You're so snary, Y/N," Subin says while rolling her eyes.

A few minutes later, the bus reaches school. "We're here!" Subin says enthusiastically, "Could you quiet down your voice a bit?" You say, getting a little bothered, "I'm sorry, I'm such a happy person," Subin says while rolling her eyes.

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