Chapter 18

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PE class was now done, you changed back into your school uniform. "Well, it looks like biology class is next," you said, feeling a bit nervous. "Are you still worried about the fact that you didn't finish that assignment?" Subin asked, "Obviously, I'm at a huge risk now." You said, "You can always finish it anyway; just get help if you need it." Subin said, "If only I knew how to ask without looking like a complete embarrassment." You said.

You enter the class, you take a deep breath, "Hello class, before we get started, there are some things I need to talk about..." Mr. Kim said, your heart was pounding hard as you heard him say those words: "So yesterday, it appeared that not everyone completed that assignment for cell theory, so today will be a working period for those who did not complete the assignment for cell theory, and for those who did, you can start looking through the content," Mr. Kim said.

You put your head down on your desk. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Subin asked, "Nothing, but now I know I'm going to fall behind." You said, "Be happy that Mr. Kim is giving you another chance; besides, I also didn't complete it, so you shouldn't act like you're the only one." Subin said, trying to reassure you, "When does it have to be complete?" You asked, "Oh, I'll ask Mr. Kim," Subin said.

Subin raised her hand up, "Yes, Subin?" Mr. Kim answered, "When do we have to have the cell theory assignment finished?" Subin asked, "I expect it to be done by Monday; if you finish it later than Monday, I will not give you a mark." Mr. Kim said, "But thank you for asking; I should've mentioned that before.".

You clear your throat. "So, Monday is the deadline?" You asked, "Yes, it is," Subin said. "Hopefully, I have time," you said, feeling hesitant.

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