Chapter 17

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Lunch time is over; now it's time for one of your least favorite classes, PE. "Hopefully today is nothing too complicated." You said, feeling anxious, "It's fine; not everyone is good at sports." Subin said, "That's true, but I don't want to look like an embarrassment in front of the entire class." You said, "Well, just try your best, Y/N." Subin said, patting your back.

You then go into the change rooms and put on your PE outfit. "Well, I guess now I just have to get over this," you said, walking into the gymnasium. You then quickly run to Subin's side, "Good afternoon, class; today we are going to practice some volleyball." Mr. Yoo said, "Oh dear, I hate that sport!" You said, feeling nervous, "Just relax, Y/N." Subin said, "So, before we get started with today's activity, I will give you a demonstration of what we are going to do," Mr. Yoo said.

Mr. Yoo went and got a volleyball from the storage, "Jimin, may you come up here" Mr. Yoo said, Jimin made his way to Mr. Yoo, "Let us demonstrate how to play volleyball" Mr. Yoo said, Mr. Yoo and Jimin showed a demonstration on how to play volleyball, "You see, you just got to throw it this way" Mr. Yoo said, as he demonstrated. Now that the demonstration was over, "Now that I have shown you a demonstration, I want you all to find a partner and practice playing volleyball" Mr. Yoo said.

You and Subin quickly glanced at each other. "Let me go grab the ball," Subin said. Once Subin returned, you guys began practicing. "Don't worry, Y/N, it won't be that hard," Subin said.

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