Chapter 8

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You walked into your house and saw your mom cleaning. "Hi, honey, how was school?" Your mom asked, "Alright, as usual." You say, seeming unenthusiastic, "Well, do you mind helping out with laundry?" Your mom asked, "Alright." You replied. You went to the laundry room and took the clothes out of the dryer. As you walked to the living room, you found an old picture—it's a picture of you, your mom, and dad. "You know, I miss your father too," your mom said as she looked at the photo.

You pick up the picture frame and take a closer look at the photo. "Yeah, I miss him a lot; it's a shame he passed away, but I also wonder... what he'd think of me now if he were still alive." You said, "He'd think you're an amazing daughter." Your mom said, patting your back, "If I'm so amazing, why aren't I popular at school? Why am I good at nothing?" You said, "You are good at many things; you just think low of yourself, Y/N, if you weren't good at anything, Jimin wouldn't have chosen you as his assistant." Your mom said, "Is that so?" You say, letting out a bit of a chuckle.

You then go up to your room and change out of your school uniform; you put on a white t-shirt and blue jeans; you then take out your huge bag and pack some stuff for when you go to Jimin's house; once you finish packing stuff in your bag, you put the bag aside. A few minutes later, you hear the sound of a door opening: "Sweetheart, dinner's ready." Your mom said, You go downstairs for dinner. Have you made kimchi?" You said, looking amused, "Yes, does it look good?" Your mom asked, "Of course, your kimchi is always perfect.

A few minutes later, you finish eating all your kimchi, "Mom, I have something to tell you." You said, "Yes, dear?" Your mom replied, "I have to go to Jimin Oppa's house at 5 p.m. to help him with something." You said, "Alright, dear, that sounds nice. Make sure you stay safe." Your mom said, "Oh, you know I will," you said sarcastically.

You then go back upstairs to your room to get your huge bag. Now you are getting ready to go to Jimin's house.

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