Chapter 4

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The bell rings. Now it is lunch time, while you are walking down to the cafeteria, you start hearing a bunch of shouting noises. As you get closer, you see that a bunch of girls are screaming Jimin's name: "Crazy, right?" Taehyung said Kim Taehyung is Jimin's best friend; they have been friends for a long time. "Yep, super crazy; what's even happening here?" You asked, "You know how the girls get when Jimin walks by? He was walking to the cafeteria, and suddenly a bunch of girls started chanting his name like he's the king or something," Taehyung said. "Oh, I see," you said.

You then walk into the cafeteria and see your best friend, Subin, waving at you. "Subin, did you see all the girls yelling Jimin oppa's name?" You asked, "Yeah, it was crazy; it sounded like they were doing some kind of ritual with the way they were chanting his name." Subin joked, "But honestly, I don't blame them. Jimin Oppa is pretty handsome, isn't he?" Subin asked, in a teasing way, "Yeah, I guess he kind of is." You say, awkwardly, "Kind of? You know he's super handsome." Subin teased, "Yeah, but it's not like I'm in love with him or anything." You say, "Not in love? You're literally his assistant, and you're not in love with him?" Subin questioned, "I'm just his assistant, and he's just my master; we're nothing more than that." You say, defensively, "I'm sure you're going to fall for him one day." Subin teased.

A few minutes passed. "Subin, I'm going to go throw out my garbage; I'll be back." You say you are walking towards the garbage. "Alright," Subin said, nodding. As you walk to the garbage can, you feel something against your foot. As you continue to walk, your foot slips back. You start feeling yourself fall; you feel like you're about to fall, but all of a sudden you hear the sound of running. Before you fall to the ground, you feel something holding you by the waist. When you look up, you see your master, Jimin, catching you before you hit the ground. Your body begins to heat up and boil, your face turns a bright pink; and your heart is beating fast. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Jimin asked, "Yes, I'm alright. What happened?" You asked, "You almost fell onto the ground; it looks like you slipped on a banana peel." Jimin said, "Thanks, Jimin oppa; I could've gotten seriously hurt if it weren't for you." You said, showing your gratitude, "My pleasure," Jimin.

A few minutes later, you walk back to your seating area, "Did you see that, Subin? I almost fell, and Jimin oppa saved me." You said, "Yep, I think everyone saw that; he saved you just like a prince saves the princess." Subin said, teasingly, "Ah! Stop Subin; it's not like that. I'm not in love with Jimin, nor is he in love with me." You say, defensively, "How do you know he doesn't like you?" Subin asked, "Wouldn't he tell me if he did?" You questioned, "That's not how having a crush works, Y/N," Subin said.

In love with my master |Jimin x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now