The Three Year Gap, Month Three: Korra

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The snow blinded her vision. She could barely see two steps in front of her and yet she kept moving. Pulling the fur around her face closer to her, she tried to steady her breath, coloring the air around her orange as she warmed herself against the cold.

"Almost there," she whispered to herself. She almost paused for a moment.

That was not her voice.

"What, is there not snow in the Spirit World?"

"Perpetual sunshine, actually."

The woman laughed. "I see. That's where you get your sunny disposition from."

"With all the time I spend there, I better."

Despite the dream not being one of her worst ones, Korra's arm still instinctively jumped to feel for Lemaya. Or, it attempted to jump, anyway. She still had a ways to go, but she swore she was beginning to feel movement already.

The early morning sun beaded into the room between the blinds in the window by Lemaya's bed, but Korra didn't get to enjoy it for long before Lemaya sat up in front of it, looking down at Korra with a perplexed look on her face. "Did you know that originally this capital wasn't going to be called Wolf Cove?"

"Good morning to you too, Lemaya."

Lemaya flattened herself onto the bed next to Korra and held a letter over her face. Pointing to the third paragraph, she said, "Amaruq Illoqarfik was a proposed name, a more traditional way to say basically wolf city, but no one adopted the change and the proposition essentially fell through the cracks."

"Where did you even find this?"

"Your dad has me going through all the archives to help clean out the stench of Unalaq or whatever. He apparently forgot that it was a thing for the chief to live in the palace so there's a lot of things that have shown up there and basically been forgotten about."

Korra smiled to herself. Her mom always told her that she would have rather bathed in lava than live in that stuffy palace and Korra understood why. The times she had to be there were not exactly pleasant. "Well, maybe our next chief can put the building to more use." Lemaya brought the paper to her chest and let out a deep sigh to mask the grin that was crawling up her face.

"Maybe." After a few moments of silence, Lemaya sprung upward as if she had forgotten something completely and utterly important. "I promised Katara I would make you eat breakfast before your meeting." Korra furrowed her brows.

"I don't understand, we have plenty of time until then." Lemaya shook her head and snapped her blinds wide open. The rays that flooded the room were certainly not early morning like Korra had thought—they were early afternoon at least.

Spirits, how long was she asleep?

"How mad would she be if I skipped today? Honestly, I'm feeling fine," Korra mumbled to herself quickly. Her mind often got ahead of her body these days, and she was trying her best to sit up despite her limbs not yet cooperating with her.

Lemaya gently helped her to sit up and pat her back awkwardly. "I'm afraid she'd be royally pissed if you did that." Korra sighed and if she could rub her face in anguish she would.

Winding Legacies: A 'The Legend of Korra' RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now