Chapter 41:I'm Ready

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A/N I keep you waiting long enough

Melody. Hold on Melody ,We are almost there". The pain started to get worse but I watched the sun disappear . His sweaty palm  rested on mine as he drove quickly to the hospital. 
"Aiden please -"
"MELODY DON'T DIE ON ME!" He yelled causing me to look up at him confused.
"Aiden -"
His face of panic melted to a white color as he looked embarrassed. Looking at him with the best stink face I can , I turned on the radio to his playlist.
"Aiden , you need to relax".
"I can't, He is coming and you are in pain ". He held on to my hand once again , pulling into the hospital. 
"Aiden -"
"I NEED A WHEELCHAIR , PREGNANT WOMAN HERE!" His deep accent roared at the hospital entranced. Handing his keys to a valet worker , he jumped off and ran inside.
The valet man walked to our car , opening the door for me. He gave me a smile and helped me off the car.
"Let me guess , first kid". I nodded , shielding my embarrassment as I saw Aiden telling at the poor hospital workers.
"He is a little nervous as you can see". The valet worker rubbed his neck in a awkward movement as we watched Aiden run with a worker.
"You could say that , or he is just borderline crazy". I started to waddled to a near bench as the valet worker helped me.
Embracing the contractions , The valet worker handed me a rag to dab my face.
"Thanks ".
"How old are you? "
I sighed and looked up to him "22". Waiting for a a judgment look I cringed but all I saw was a smile.
"Oh my wife is your age . She acted like you when we had our first too. Calm and ready. The second she wanted to murder me ." I smiled brightly as he told me of his young family. He looked older than 22 but his bright smile when talking about his family made him look new.
"Well I have to be calm my man is running the hospital insane ." I giggled as I saw a nurse running with Aiden.

"Did you give cocaine or a Viagra before this?" I giggled as I looked for Aiden .
"Nope he doesn't need any of those things ".
"Well he is a lucky guy that he has some one like you".
Then Aiden comes with a wheelchair as I looked at the nice worker.
"Oh no , I am the lucky one". I waved him a farewell as Aiden pushed me inside.
"Alright man we got you the suite hospital room and doctor on call". The nurse next to me yelled as we ran to the elevator.
"Alright sorry he made you do all this".
"Melody I just want what is best". He whispered in my ear .  I grabbed his hand that was pushing me and held his hand.

"Mrs. Schulze". I looked up at a beaming Aiden as I told the nurse.  He look down and kissed my forehead.
"How far are the pain ".
"At least 3 minutes apart".
"Oh okay so you are almost ready , let get you in the room ." The elevator opened and they sprinted in the room.
I changed into a hospital gown and climbed onto the bed.
"Do you need medicine ma'am". Aiden looked at me concern as I held the pain .
"No , I can do this". The pain started to hurt more and more as Aiden held my hand.
"I love you ". I let some tears fall as I looked at Aiden and at the nurse.
"The doctor will come in when you think it is time.  push the button . " the nurse smiled at us and Aiden .

" Is it hurting really bad ?" I saw that Aiden was a little trigger happy as he had his hand over the button.
"I mean a baby is opening me so yes it is hurting . But I can do this , I know I can". He nods as he kisses my forehead.

"Of course sonneblume. Just breath".
"Aiden don't give me advice please". His grin turned into a pout as I let the pain grow.

"Do you need anything now ". Once again his hand was on the button as I let a laugh.
"I'm ready".
Then he pushed it and came in the doctor.
"I see you are ready Melody ". He walks up to me and request the nurse.
"Alright it is going to be very tough but don't worry. Alright Melody grab onto your husband hand and squeeze it as I look to see." I smiled as he said husband . Aiden smiled too and kissed my forehead.
"Alright she is ready and so is the baby . Alright Melody push".
I screamed as I pushed with all of might.  I saw Aiden look down but quickly look up. He held in his gag  but he held my hand.
"Come on I see it".
"Melody that my thumb holy shit,  Mother f-"
And I let out another yell as I saw Aiden slowly cringing at the pain and falling down a bit.
With a loud Tarzan yell I held onto a crippling Aiden.
"JUST TAKE IT OUT SHE IS KILLING ME!"AGAIN yelled as the doctor was focusing on me.
"AIDEN YOU ARE NOT HELPING!" I yelled as I pushed again .
" sorry". He whispered  as I keep my breathing to a maximum.
"Once more he is almost here".
Then I let it all go , all the pain in one push.

Soft cries were heard in the room as I looked up at Aiden. Holding his hand , he walked over to the doctor.
"Congrats it is a baby boy".

I saw the nurse hand a trembling Aiden some small scissors. 
"Would you like to cut the cord". I smiled as I saw Aiden nod slowly . The doctor held up Kai and that is when I felt it. His cries blasting the room but all I could see and hear was joy. There he was in the flesh. Little arms blaring all over the place as Aiden cut the cord. The doctor wrapped him in a blanket and handed me him. In all the bloody mess , I could only see perfection.
"I will take him to get clean , I will be back."
Handing him back she walks out as I look up at Aiden.
"I love you ". He walked up to my bed and kissed me. Holding my cheeks , he kissed me , tears shedding. I held him close , letting my tears fall.
Pulling away , I wiped his tears and looked back at the doctor.  He was giving me instructions to deliver the placenta as Aiden slid down and sigh in relief.
"He is here .He is finally here" His voice trembling as he held his head in his hands.
"The nurse will be back with your son soon. I will set you all up after we run test on him. Congrats again". He waved at us , leaving us alone.
"We are parents ". I smiled as I looked at him . He got up from his chair and made room for himself at my bed. He kissed my forehead and held my hand .
"We are parents baby. We did it ".  Grabbing my hand, he kissed it .
"I have never loved you more than I loved you right now. You have giving me something I can call mine". With that , he looked at me , tears finally falling.
" I love you so much Aiden".
We held each other hand until the nurse came in with our new addition .
"Alright mommy , ready for him. He is all fine , doctor did shot and everything.".
I smiled as Aiden moved our of the way as she approached. His little fist  closed as he cried .
"He seems to have a pair of lungs on him". She smiles and hands him to me.
His cries start to settle down as he slowly cuddles into my arms. I smile and let all my tears fall. Aiden arm wrapped around my shoulder as he rubbed his finger.
"He is so beautiful ". I held him closer as he kept his eyes shut.

I couldn't believe he was here . He was everything I could dream of. Having aiden at my side was icing on the cake. Looking at his soft little cheeks , I noticed a cute little grin on his face. Leaning down I ran my hand down his forehead as Aiden touched his cheek. It was as if we were in awe at what Kai was. He was perfect.

"So is he healthy?" I asked as I dreaded the question the whole time.
"Right now ,everything seems fine . Of course the doctor will set up his appointment soon. But now he is fit as a fiddle." She grinned as Aiden let out a chuckle as he gripped his finger.

"Hello baby". Aiden whispered causing Kai to stir.
"I'm your dad". I looked up at his beaming smile as the baby clutches his finger.
"Oh he strong just like me". Aiden purred as his light snores were heard.
"Alright I will leave you too it but do you have a name already ?"
Aiden smiled and kissed my forehead and walked up to crib . Handing Aiden the baby , he looked so happy to hold his son.
"He is so little". He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
" I just hand him Aiden ".
"He is as little as you". He winked and bounced him around.
"Aiden.  He is trying to sleep".
"Shit sorry baby". Aiden bits his lips and hums to a song to make him fall asleep again.
"Anything else nurse ". Sitting up , I asked for the baby back but Aiden went to sit on the chair. This guy.
" the little baby name is all I need now ".
Aiden stands up and slowly passes me a now crying baby.
"Yes ma'am. That is my son Kai Zander Pierce Schulze."

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