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Melody P.O.V

Aiden face wasn't facing me, his stern eyes were looking at the door. Our hands lost contact leaving me a little empty. He gives me a neglectful feeling as he walks to the door. He looks at me with a reassuring smile and opens the door. I wait for his father to walk in. I smooth out my clothes, SHIT I have on Aiden clothes.

I run up the stairs as fast as I could and slammed the bedroom door. Okay, I need to breathe, I knew this day would come. Aiden father has met me once and let's just say he was ruthless.


Aiden and I were looking for some material to show the board. His hand was rested on my thigh as I sat next to him. He was also staring at me. I knew I was blushing, but he needed this work done.

The door open wide making a significant noise, I felt warmth leave my legs. Aiden stood up quickly and clear his throat. I stood up as well looking at the man in front of us.

His eyes were a dark black as he looked at Aiden and me. His frown deepened as his nostrils flared. The increase in wrinkles his forehead showed his disappointment. His chest was broad as Aiden and muscles less defined. His hair was dark brown but his jaw as similar to Aiden.

" Aiden how the can we losing sales after a 3-month surplus. I can't believe how irresponsible you are. I can't bear to the think you are a son of mine. I- WHO IS THIS! ". His hand was pointed at me as I was collect the papers.

Aiden reached for my hand and lead me near the door.

Das brauchst du nicht zu wissen du undankbarer Idiot! Sie gehört mir und der Rest geht dich nichts an, Vater!"

You don't need to know you, ungrateful idiot. She is mine, and that is all you need to know Father!

Aiden father seemed stunned but nodded as he frowned at me

aber sie ist nichts

But she is nothing

Aiden gives a sad smile and opens the door.

" Melody meets me downstairs for a cup of coffee, my treat, I'll be down to help you soon."

I nodded and scurried away I only heard Aiden say.

Sie bedeutet mir etwas und das ist alles was zählt!"

She means something to me, and that is all the counts

Flashback over

I heard some shouting downstairs and realized I have been hiding long enough. I grabbed a black tee shirt that Aiden owned, it was much bigger, so I tied it up a bit. I used his dark gray boxers as fitting shorts and improved using my scarf as a headscarf. I put a bit of makeup to smooth my face. I'm surprised Aiden didn't say anything I looked horrible.

I walked downstairs to see Aiden on the couch with his head being balanced in his hand staring a couple in front of me.

The women had beautiful long flowy blonde hair. She had only a few wrinkles but a stunning body. She was sitting on a man I believe was Aiden father. Oh No these are Aiden parents! The women had her hand on the older man lap as she stared at her phone. Aiden looked up the stairs to see me and motion me down stairs. I ran down with my head down.

Aiden got up and lead me to the couch and made me sit. He sat next to me and sat me on his lap. I blushed and got ready for the looks from his parents.

The women blue eyes were wide, and her jaw open. The man next to her was staring at me with a confused look. The women eyes soon turned into daggers as she stood up. She looked between Aiden and I and shouted.

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