obx1||multi eps

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theadora in character chapter three.
outer banks multi eps
season 1, ages 13-14

 outer banks multi epsseason 1, ages 13-14

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max and jj being absolute frenemies

episode one.
maxine slowly creeps over to a sleeping jj, a worm she had stolen from his bait bucket writhing in one hand. she leans over to dangle the creature over the teens face, giggling as crumbs of dirt fall across his cheeks.

jj jolts awake, cursing in surprise at the worm on his face. he jumps from his chair and swats it away, glaring at the still giggling culprit. maxine shrieks, peeling out of the room and practically falling over herself as she bounds down the steps of the châteaus front porch. jj races after her, still cursing as he brushes dirt from his hair.

episode one.
maxine places a cinder block below a window at the château, climbing ontop to get a clear view inside. she spots john b and jj dead asleep on the couch and shrugs before obnoxiously pounding on the glass.

the boys shoot up, cursing as their heads smash together. jj sets his jaw and narrows his eyes as he spots the amused max peering through the window.

"wanna go fishin'?" the younger girl grins, pressing her face up against the glass.

jj takes a deep breath and turns to a guilty looking john b. "remind me again why you let her in the pogues?"

episode one.
jj thrusts an ax into a block of wood, splitting it right down the middle before tossing it into their handmade fire pit. he stands upright and gestures across the châteaus backyard to a spot underneath a large tree. "why don't we start a fire under there?"

kiara looks over to where the blondes pointing, noticing maxine dangling upside down from one of trees branches. "uh, cause max is right where the fire would be?"

jj shrugs, not seeing the issue. "again, why don't we start a fire under there?" 

episode one.
jj curses as he watches maxine let herself in the château. "jesus, max. would it kill you to go to your own house for once?"

maxine only shrugs, yanking open john b's fridge and helping herself to a water. "no, but it might kill susan. that woman doesn't know her mouth from her ass, think she knows who i am?" she hoists herself on top of the kitchen counter. "what are we up to today?"

"we?" jj is incredulous, "who the hell is 'we'?"

episode one.
jj scoffs at maxine's request to partake in the groups drinking activities. "you're like nine."

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