ig live||obx cast

291 6 0

2020, age 15
filming season 2

Theadora sits alone in her trailer on the set of outer banks, setting up her phone to go live on instagram for a long awaited q&a.

"hi everybody!" she greets as soon as the livestream began filling up with viewers. "lots of people have been wanting me to do a q&a for a while, but i don't really do youtube, so i thought this would be the best way to answer your questions! send 'em in and i'll do my best to answer as many as possible while i wait to go in for hair and makeup."

theadora reads off the first question she sees, "where are you from? tennessee."

"what are you filming?" the second one reads, "season two of outer banks!"

"if you could be any animal what would you be?definitely a fox. i don't really have an explanation for that, they've just always been my absolute favorite animal of all time." thea answers before spotting a familiar username scroll by in the comment section.

"lemme go live with you. okay." the teen shrugs, leaning closer to her phone, trying to add chase, "are you coming in here or are you just going live? this is confusing." thea leans back in her seat before pointing, "you're like three trailers away."

her costar, chase stokes, suddenly pops up on the screen. "i didn't wanna walk."

"that's the laziest shit i've ever heard." thea giggles, "it's not—"


"okay—" thea leans forward, laying her chin on her palm, "tell me how we're filming this scene and there's a tornado outside."

"i know," chase agrees, "i was talking to megan and i was like, can you hear me!?" he raises his voice, imitating shouting over the current loud wind.

"i feel like it's about to rain, we can't film this in the rain." thea secretively references their next scene, "i'm not filming this scene in the rain."

chase shrugs. "apparently there's a hurricane."

"yay hurricane!" theadora mocks enthusiasm.

chase leans in close to the camera, "don't hate on ruby ever again."

"yeah, right, i'm sorry." thea laughs, remembering in their group chat earlier in the day where she commented negatively on one of their cars. "my call times a little earlier than baileys so she dropped me off to get coffee and we parked next to dory." the teen talks about maddie clines rarely seen car.

"dory got out of the garage." chase lets out a laugh, "dory got some screen time today."


"no—meaning like, maddie drove today." chase explains.

"ohhh." thea nods, "copy that. i know, i was
like 'interesting seeing you here.'" the teen asks abruptly, "what is your cars name?"

"hot debate, because my old car was bruce, so he might be bruce part two. like an upgraded version."

thea immediately recoils, "ew, that's so lame. out of all the names in the world you're gonna name it bruce again?"

"yeah, you're right."

a harsh stomping sounds from outside the teens trailer and she jerks her head towards the noise before turning back to the camera, "have you ever shared a unit with j.d?"

chase shakes his head, "can not say i have, no."

"did you hear that?" he nods, "that's j.d walking down his stairs. he goes," thea mimes aggressive stomping, "i'm like, what are you doing?"

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