episode 2||madelyn cline

165 6 0

02/18/2024, age 18

THEADORA greets her listeners as she begins her second podcast episode, "hello and welcome back to young hollywood! i'm your host theadora james, and our very first guest today was highly requested! she's an american actress known for her roles in the giant, the originals, and a tiny little show called...outer space?"

"outer stanks?"

"oh, i think it's pronounced outer banks." thea giggles, "her other skills include skincare, home design, long distance driving, and keeping it real." the teen laughs again, making eye contact with her guest as they both break into laughter, "i'm trying to be professional but i just can't."

"top five adjectives would be loyal, humble, compassionate, funny, and gorgeous...give it up for my queen maddie a.k.a madelyn cline!"

"i'm flattered," madelyn grins, "that was such a nice introduction. there wasn't one negative thing in there."

"yeah, i had them edit it out." thea jokes, "is that how they normally do it? i'm still super new at this, it feels awkward still."

"i don't know, i think—no, this isn't the first pod. i've been on one other podcast, but they didn't give me as nice of an introduction." maddie admits. "i mean, it was still a nice introduction, but that one was sublime."

"i mean it's easy when you're, you know, friends. that helps."

"true, true," the older girl agrees, "thanks thee."

"okay," thea exhales in a high pitched tone, "today, we're gonna talk about how to be a friend. first i'm gonna ask you a very important question: what's your zodiac sign?"

"i'm a sagittarius," maddie answers, "my birthday is december twenty first. so if you believe in cusps, which is highly debated, i am sagittarius almost capricorn."

"mhm." theadora nods, "what qualities do you feel like you embody from those signs?"

"to be honest with you, i don't really know a lot about zodiacs." madelyn laughs, "i really don't. i feel like i know a lot about scorpios because their bad rap, but some of my favorite people are scorpios which is crazy. i get along well with them—also, some of my favorite people are water signs. scorpio, pisces, and cancer."

"oooh," thea grins, as she is a cancer herself.

"i know, i know. i feel like a know a lot about cancers, i know a lot about gemini just because i feel like—not—maybe it's pisces. point proven: i don't really know anything it."

"yeah, i feel like a lot of signs always get overlooked which is why i ask that question," thea goes on to explain, "i'm trying to figure out how to further assess people. i feel like what i've heard from sagittarius's is that don't really care about how they are perceived by others, they just kinda do their own thing and live life to the fullest."

"i feel like that's pretty accurate. i mean, it's obviously never nice to hear anything negatively said about you, but i feel like i kinda just do my own thing. i'm not really too concerned about the opinions of others, but i do appreciate any sort of positive energy in my life and i try to reflect that back and project it out."

theadora smiles sweetly, "you do, you do."

"awe, thank you." maddie blushes.

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