reunion||dance moms

206 11 0

09/2023, age 18
italics is present solo interviews;
all but the first few are theadoras.

"hi, i'm chloe. i'm twenty two years old, but you may remember me when i was nine."

"i'm brooke, i'm twenty five years old, but you might remember me when i was twelve."

"hi, i'm kalani. on dance moms, i was the girl who was known for having good technique."

"i'm jojo siwa, and on dance moms i was known to be the bubbly girl."

"i'm kendall, i'm twenty years old, but you may remember me when i was just a little eight year old."

"i'm paige, i'm twenty three, but you might remember me when i was eight."

"i'm theadora, i'm eighteen, but some of you might remember me from when i was seven. i had no idea the journey that was about to be ahead of me."

24 hours earlier.

Theadora records as she gets ready to leave for the dance moms reunion, speaking directly into the camera, "good morning! i'm packing for the dance moms reunion. holy shit, i can't believe i'm saying that. i'm honestly super nervous. i don't really know what to expect."

Morning of.

An anxious theadora arrives at the lifetime studio with former team member chloe lukasiak, as both of their mothers would be unable to attend—for two reasons that could not be more different from each other.

"you nervous?" chloe asked as they nervously wait in the backseat of their car that idles in the parking lot.

theadora answers honestly, "extremely. you?"

"a little. i almost didn't come."

"i would've killed you." thea states.

chloe smiles, "which is precisely why i came."

a camerman approaches the open car window, greeting the girls excitedly before asking, "what are you thinking right now?"

"yesterday i spent the whole day stressing about, like, what its going to be like and what's gonna happen." chloe answers honestly.

"how are you feeling, thea?"

"i'm nervous and anxious, but i'm excited." theadora replies truthfully, "i feel like when we see each other now we don't really talk about this kind of stuff."


Theadora and chloe exit their car, anxiously entering the building. jessalyn and jojo siwa are already waiting inside, the latter coming up to greet the two girls.

jojo embraces thea first before turning to chloe, "nice to actually see you! you both look beautiful."

"thanks, so do you." if thea were being honest, she wasn't exactly jojo's biggest fan. they got along well while they were on the team together, but seeing as theadora was a big-time introvert and jojo definitely was not, the blonde tended to overwhelm the younger girl. thea was also aware of the recent drama between jojo and christi lukasiak, who thea absolutely adored, which definitely added to whatever tension was already present

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