interview on greys anatomy

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06/2023, age 17

Grey's Anatomy's Theadora James Spills On Behind The Scenes & The Cast | Ask Me Anything | ELLE

[THE VIDEO BEGINS WITH THEADORA SITTING ALONE IN FRONT OF A WHITE BACK GROUND.] "hi, i'm theadora james and you're watching elle's 'ask me anything'."


"Ask Me Anything with Theadora James"

question 1:
Biggest fear?

"i have a huge fear of spiders. like i will lose my mind. which is not convenient right now considering im in outer banks which is, for the most part, filmed entirely outside. there have been multiple instances where i have ruined a take by screaming and running away because of a spider. sorry, not sorry."

question 2:
What's the most important/best advice you've learned from your Grey's Co-stars?

"so many of my co-stars taught me that being young doesn't mean i have any less of a voice. you know, i started on the show when i was eleven and i thought that since i was so much younger than everyone i didn't have as much of a voice when it came to my opinions on my character and scenes and stuff. but my co-stars all kept asking for my opinions and making sure i knew that my voice still matters, and i've been able to use that newfound confidence in tons of other jobs."

question 3:
Who have you grown closest to over your nearly eight years on Grey's?

"oh gosh, i've grown close to pretty much everybody in different ways, but i'd have to say probably camilla luddington or caterina scorsone. i look up to them so much, we talk all the time, probably way too much, i watch their kids for them, i just adore them. but to be honest i'm close to everybody.

question 4:
Who would you want to see at Grey Sloan?

"if i could have one person guest on our show it would have to be danny devito. no questions asked."

question 5:
How would you sum up your character Charlie in one sentence?

"charlie is a hot mess. kidding. i think that she's a badass queen, because that's what she would call herself, and she has been through so much and she is incredibly brave and i wish i could be more like her."

question 6:
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

"the first thing i do when i wake up is go on tiktok.
i know, i know, it's so bad. i'm addicted."

question 7:
Do you understand a lot of the medical terminology?

"i don't understand 99% of what i'm saying. we're actually given a cheat sheet which shows us how to say things and what they mean, but i still have no clue."

question 8:
What's your favorite emoji?

"my favorite emoji is the one with like the straight lined mouth and one quirked eyebrow." [THE 🤨EMOJI POPS UP ON THE SCREEN FOR REFERENCE,]

"i think it's so funny and i never know what's going on ever so that's my face in real life half the time."

question 9:
What are your favorite scenes to shoot on set?

"my favorite scenes to shoot on greys are any of the dramatic ones. if it's emotional, feisty, angsty, any of that i'll eat it right up."

question 10:
I'm most proud of ____.

"i'm most proud of myself."

question 11:
What role does mental health play in your life and what's your favorite way to self-care?

"it's not something that i really recognized until i was a teenager and had all these past lost emotions and experiences catch up to me. and honestly this doesn't sound very healthy but to me, acting has helped with my mental health in a huge way. i mean obviously the emotional scenes help to get out those feelings but even just pretending to be someone else for a while can help me to get out of my head."

question 12:
What is a dream role you'd like to play?

"i would love to be a superhero. i've done an action role before in birds of prey, but id love to be like an actual superhero with powers and stuff. something like america chavez would be so cool and so much fun."

question 13:
What's the last show you binge watched?


question 14:
Any scenarios on Grey's you'd like to see that haven't played out yet?

"we have not had a tornado on grey's anatomy. i don't even know if they happen in seattle, but we should have that happen at some point because we've played other natural disasters. we're due. we're due a tornado."

question 15:
What is your go to comfort movie or television show?

"i love shameless. especially when i have to travel and there's nothing on tv—i just love it. it's so entertaining and funny but also dramatic and serious and sometimes sad."

question 16:
If you could switch places with any character on the show who would it be?

"i would switch places with miranda bailey so i could boss everyone around. i mean, come on. she's iconic."

question 17:
Who or what keeps you grounded?

"my friends definitely help to keep me grounded."

question 18:
What is something people don't know about you?

"people don't know that i'm severely allergic to nuts. like every nut, not just peanuts. i have to bring an epipen with me literally everywhere so i don't die. it's so annoying."

question 19:
What's your favorite thing about the Grey's fandom?

"the edits. i could stay up all night long just scrolling through those things. they're hilarious and they make me look hot and iconic."

question 20:
Three people dead or alive, dinner with & why?

"okay so i'd like to have dinner with paris hilton because, like, it's paris hilton. second, john f kennedy because i need to know who shot him like maybe he saw out of the corner of his eye or something i don't know. and the captain of the titanic because i do wanna know, did it happen the way history says it happened? did you see the iceberg like an hour before it hit? i mean i just—i just have so many questions."

question 21:
What's the anthem of your life?

"this is why we can't have nice things by taylor because that's how i feel. all the time."
"thank you so much for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos on Elle and watch ABCs Greys anatomy!"

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