womans health body scan

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present time

"Hi! I'm Theadora James and this is my woman's health body scan."


"i think the thing i love most about my body would probably have to be my freckles."



"i haven't always had a positive relationship with my mind, especially once i became a teenager. I've struggled with pretty intense anxiety my whole life, it feels like my brain never really slows down. there's worries of being overdramatic or too much. With that comes a little resentment and hatred towards my mind and the way it thinks. and, you know, i've had my struggles with depression as well which also can take quite a toll on your relationship with your mind. you can't always tell if the things it's telling you are the truth or not."



"I actually have a lot of scars. i was a pretty stupid and clumsy child and honestly don't remember how i got most of them. oh, i have a scar on my upper arm from when i hid in some thorn bushes for hide and seek once. i have a huge one on both my knees from when i tried riding on the handlebars of my friends bike while she went down a hill. i have a lot of...interesting stories involving scars.



"I love my freckles. i didn't really notice them when i was younger, but i feel like they've gotten more prominent over the years. they are definitely my favorite thing about my face. as a kid, i was outside as much as i could be, and i lived in tennessee, so i was really tan a lot of the time. now that i live in L.A i still get pretty tan, and a lot of the times during work, especially with outer banks, i'm outside filming. so with the tan comes the freckles, which i love. i don't really have a lot of insecurities surrounding my skin. i don't really get acne either, i mean i breakout some times but i can just cover them with a little bit of makeup. it's never been too much of an issue of mine."



"I actually struggle a lot with keeping my nails healthy. as a kid i used to bite them so much I could never get them painted or anything cause they were so short. Now, though, I mainly struggle with picking at my nails and the skin around them. for most of my jobs in the past, i've had to get them painted for work so that kinda sucked. but with outer banks, my character is outside and on the run so there isn't much time for a manicure so that's good. and my greys character, she's not the type to get her nails done, especially with her background. so no issues there either."



"my hair is a little confusing. it's naturally straight, but in humidity, when it's wet, or if i let it air dry after i wash it it gets wavy, especially in the front. my hair is also naturally super dark brown, and i've had a lot of people ask me if i've dyed it for certain jobs and i haven't really. i mean, when i was sixteen i got a few highlights and that's the only time i've ever done anything to it. but that wasn't for a job."



"i don't have any piercings, not even my ears pierced! i want them but only for the looks, needles terrify me no thank you. i also can't stand the idea of having a literal hole punctured through my earlobe. it'll probably never happen. no thank you."



"surprisingly i don't have my ears pierced but i do have just one tattoo, and i probably won't get another one. its a butterfly with a semicolon body, so it's got significance. but yeah, never again. hurt like a bitch."

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