Chapter 1- Welcome Back

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Normal POV (who else's has it been up until this book, Samantha's! :D)

     "Alright, so you sprinkle on the cheese..."


     "And now you put some ham on..."

     "Got it."

     "Now roll the dough or whatev up- no, not like that!" Splat! I laughed at Ian's mistake as he smiled guiltily at me.

     "Oops?" He bent down and picked up the popper. "Guess this is useless now."

     "Ian, how dare you waste food like that, while we're starving here!" Adam shouted from the living room, sprawled over the couch and making poor Jason sit on the armrest.

     "Yeah, seriously!" Jason agreed.

     "Alright alright, SkyMU, keep it down in there!" I barked. That shut them up. I bet they wished that they never told me about ship names now, huh? Although, I do regret knowing about Skylox. It made me uncomfortable for some reason... it always made my chest hurt, or my heart hammer, and I didn't know why. Come to think of it, that always happened when Ty-

     Alright, I'll take a moment to break the fourth wall here. Hello, welcome back to the story of my life. Well, not just my life anymore. Now I'm with all of my friends, and I wouldn't have made it this far with out them. Anyways, it's been only three weeks since Seto made me normal sized. Some of my friends are still small, so I gotta be careful to not hurt them, which of course I would never do, and then I can finally properly hug my former larger friends. Heck, I even called Jordan over just to give him a hug and thank him properly.

      I think I almost gave him a heart attack though, poor soul. He wasn't told about Seto being a Sorcerer until I explained everything. Now we're good friends.

     "Hey Samantha." Jordan, speak of the devil, politely piped up.


     "How much longer?"

     "Well, the surviving Poppers-" I threw a joking glare in Ian's direction. "-will take about ten minutes the oven to cook, and then they cool of for at least two minutes, and then..." I snapped my fingers at Jordan. "Le diner est servi." He blinked at me in confusion.

     (Fun fact with a recipe I procured:

     take croissants, ham and cheese, pull the dough of the croissants into their triangle pre-cut forms, cut the ham up, sprinkle that and cheese on the top of them, roll it up and then close the sides so it doesn't fall out, set the oven to 375 or 350-400 [depends on oven type, so it varies but go with 375], set them in on a pan far enough to cover the pan, let it cook for ten minutes, take it out to cool and voila!  Le diner est servi! with my Poppers! :D)

     "Uh... is that French or...?" He asked. I nodded.

     "Yeah, now get out a my kitchen." I easily shoved him into the living room as Adam muttered, "I thought it was my kitchen." I heard a small laugh in response to Adam's comment.

     "You shouldn't have let her operate it then." Silverstreamcat pointed out from the armrest opposite of Jason.

     "I know I know..." Adam grumbled, facepalming. I heard someone knock on the door as I slid the poppers in the oven. Was that who I was expecting, or were Eclipse and Zain about to drag me on another shopping spree?

     "Watch that Ian, will ya?" I pushed in ten minutes on the timer and jogged past my 'customers' to answer the door. Turns out it was Seto.

     "Brought the movie." He walked in, holding up Jurassic Park. I smiled and took it from him.

     "Thanks!" I let Seto walk past me before I shut the door, as he took a deep breath and tasted the air.

     "Oh man, that smells good." He sighed.

     "Well, we did make a lot..." I teased him. He smiled at the unspoken invitation.

     "I guess I can stick around long enough for your cooking." He chuckled. "By the way, where are the others?" I rubbed my imaginary beard.

     "Well, let's see... Adam, Jason and Silverstreamcat are chilling before you--" Adam did a peace sign behind Seto, making me smirk. "-- Ian, I'm trying to teach him how to cook-"

     "Hey, I learned a thing or two in the Army, missy!" He called.

     "Oh really? What does the timer say?" At that moment, the timer beeped.

     "Ack!" I giggled at his reaction as he rushed to avoid getting them burnt.

     "Mitch is in his room with Jerome-"

     "Merome..." Adam whispered.

     "-playing Minecraft Hunger Games, as per usual, and the girls are betting on who will win of course. Then Eclipse and Zain are next doors, probably finishing their unpacking. Eric is probably finally home, good riddance, that punk. And then you're asking me where everyone is, and I'm answering your quesitions."

     "Wow, so everyone's busy... what about Ty?"

     "Um... he's..." I trailed off. "I don't know what he's up to, but he left for town about an hour ago." My heart quickened again when I mentioned him, and it almost hurt. Wh-what, what the heck?

     "Oh." Then Ian walked into the living room with a plate of the Poppers.

     "Saved them!" He sighed in relief. "You can eat now." Everyone in the room chased him down and started grabbing their food, while Ian abandoned the plate, probably saving his life by doing so, and left to get the others. I stayed in my place, a little bit in another world, for some reason worrying about Ty. How much longer will he be? For some reason, he's only been gone for about a couple of hours, but... I felt depressed almost because he wasn't here. I frowned to myself, deep in thought. What was wrong with me? Well, every time I thought about him or saw him-

     I widened my eyes in surprise. Oh God...

     Do I... Do I like Ty? N-no, I couldn't! He's my friend! Don't panic, I told myself. Maybe it's just a crush... oh man, that's... that's actually... wonderful. Huh. No, snap out of it, Samantha Verona!

     "Samantha?" Seto waved his hand in front of me, looking concerned. "You alive?" I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts.

     "Yeah, I'm good." I chirped. "C'mon, we got a movie to watch for our midnight mark, we promised Mitch!"

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