Chapter 39- A Sad Song

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Mitch's POV

I heard a clang, which made me start in surprise as I heard a grunt, and a small thump next to me. I opened my eyes to see Adam scramble his feet, scampering away from the edge of our prison. Right. Eric kidnapped us. Jax was somehow too weak to fight, so we were kidnapped. I have no clue what happened to Samantha though, or Seto for that matter. Come to think of it, we were all too weak to barely even move when they came.

I heard Wildstar shout in irritation, banging her fist repeatedly at the bars that trapped us all in this cage until Taiga and Icicle held her back, murmuring reassuring words to help her calm down. Kay was crying in one corner, Starboard and Shadow trying to reassure her. Kittin was hugging herself next to Kyleen , Yumi and Skylar. Silverstreamcat was staring sullenly past the small thin bars, looking deep in thought. I realized that only me and Adam were the guys here, which made me worry. I hope the others are ok. I quickly got up and helped Adam to his feet, seeing the exhaustion in his golden brown eyes.

"You alright dood?" I asked, lightly clapping him on the back. He cringed a little, dipping his head in a wordless nod mixed with a shake.

"... Could be... Be'-er..." He mumbled, taking an unstable step forward, swaying before making his way over to the girls. I stared after him, watching as he weakly sat down next to them, all of them huddling next to each other for warmth. I felt sorrow pluck in my heart as I gazed at them, wanting so desperately to help them. I didn't notice the cage door open until Kittin looked up and squeaked in terror, shrinking back as I was suddenly yanked off my feet. I yelled out in alarm and banged my fists weakly against the cruel grip around my waist, having no effect as I was lifted out of the cage. I could barely breathe as I was carried away from my friends, through a few hallways before the person walked into a room. I spotted the other guys in a jar, perking up and staring at me with worry evident in their eyes as the person dropped me onto the counter. I lost my balance and fell to my knees, quivering as I weakly scrabbled to my feet.

"G-guys." I croaked, running up to the jar and pressing my hands against the glass. They were trying to talk to me, but their voices were too muffled for me to comprehend. Finally Ty froze and stared behind me, lightly tapping Ian's shoulder and pointing past me. I looked back to see Eric, not alone.

"So, we meet again, Mitchell." Aelam smirked at me, sitting down on a chair in front of the counters. I tensed to run away when he reached forward, but he easily scooped me up in his hand, his fingers curled sharply to keep me from jumping out. The guys were shouting muffledly, banging their fists ineffectively at the glass. Ty was looking really pissed off, and I could tell he was shouting a string of curses from the red shade of his face, as well as his irritated look. Aelam merely rolled his eyes at them, seeming amused.

"Eric." Eric immediately came to attention, striding forward and grabbing the jar, carrying the guys outside. I glared up at Aelam with disgust, and fear.

"Have you no humanity!?" I snapped. "What did we ever do to you!?" His eyes seemed to flame up, and he tightened his grip on me, making me grunt in pain.

"Don't speak to me like you're innocent Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes!" He seethed, glaring down at me so strongly that I shrank back from his sharp gaze. "You of all people, when you kicked Setosorcerer out of Team Crafted!" I flinched back, feeling like my heart was hit with a dagger.

"That-that was when I was much younger." I whimpered. "I-I didn't know any better, but now we're on good terms!" He scoffed audibly.

"But you hurt one of your friends!" He pointed out harshly. I felt my eyes start to water in guilt.

"I-I know." I whispered, blinking rapidly. "But I didn't know any better-"

"You certainly didn't know any better in high school." Aelam growled, cutting me off as I stared blankly at him.

"Heh?" I questioned in a whine. He rolled his eyes.

"Well I wouldn't expect you to remember me. However..." I stared at him as he cleared his throat, staring down at me with mixed emotions of hatred, hurt, and anger, which surprised me since I had never seen his eyes show emotion in the few times we had met.

"To start off with, you knew Seto had a crush on Jax, as did I, but you told me your secret." I bit my lip, understanding where he was going as I blushed a deep shade of red, in embarrassment.

"But you never confessed that you had a crush on Jax."

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