Chapter 7- Reassurance Would Be Appreciated

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Samantha's POV

After Adam finally calmed down enough to stop trembling, Seto walked over to the Tinies (well half, some of them had made their way over to the coffee table) and carefully brought Jason over, setting him down on the couch whilst I set Adam and Ty carefully beside him.

"So how do we get back to normal?" Jason asked the question that was on our minds.

"I... Well. Maybe Seto can make a potion that can reverse this?" I asked hopefully. Seto frowned in thought.

"Yeah I could, but... How did you guys get shrunk in the first place?" The trio exchanged a small glance.

"... The pizza." Ty suggested. "You, Samantha and the girls were the only ones unaffected most likely, and you didn't eat any of the pizza, soo..." He trailed off and shuffled his feet, most likely still slightly intimidated. I noticed Starboard haul herself on to the coffee table, so I gently picked her up and set her down beside the shrunk guys.

"Either way," she started. "We have to find the others before something bad happens to them."

"I agree with her!" Kay shouted from down under the coffee table. I glanced at her with a thoughtful nod.

"All right then, the girls can look in places that Jordan, Ian, Mitch and Jerome may hide-"

"Sorry, but why would they hide?" Seto asked, confused.

"Did you see how Adam reacted? They're seeing the world in a whole new perspective. We're basically in AOT. They're the normal sized ones, and we're the titans, only it's like they ventured into our lair." I noticed Ty nodding his small head slightly, seeming to understand the situation with the simile/metaphor I had used.

"Not only that," he stated. "but you guys now don't know just how strong you are compared to us, you could hurt us. That's what Adam was scared of."

"I was not scared, I was concerned." Adam muttered.

"Ok then, that's why the girls should help, while me and Seto look for them with our normal sizes."

"What about us?" Jason piped up.

"Well... We can't really afford loosing you guys, so you'll have to stay with me and Seto."

"Wait wait wait wait." Adam interrupted, waving his tiny hands around. "How come we have to stay with you two when the girls are free to roam about?"

"First of all, they're used to this size. They've been like this all of their lives. And second off, you guys have no idea what this perspective is like. And since Seto has slightly more experience than me for when it comes to taking care of someone the Tinies' heights, two of you will go with him."

"Ok I call the Sorcerer then!" Jason scampered over to Seto, who chuckled.

"Alright then." As Seto carefully picked Jason up and settled him on his shoulder, Adam and Ty were deciding.

"I'll rally the others." Starboard slid down the couch side, landing beside Kay, Yumi, Skylar and Kittin as the two continued to bicker.

"Ok then, heads or tails?" I asked impatiently, pulling a quarter out of my pocket.

"Heads! No tails- fff, heads!" Adam shouted as the quarter hit the floor.

"It's tails." I observed.

"Ok fine." Adam grumbled before edging over to Seto.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." Seto assured him. I almost shuddered at the remembrance of being touched by human hands against your will. It always sent a little thrill through me, even though it was terrifying at the time. Now I almost miss it.

I felt a small touch on my hand, and I looked down to see Ty resting his hand on my thumb.

"They'll be ok." He assured me. I gave him a small grin, feeling a warm sensation flow through me.

"I know. I just hope we find them before it's too late, before something bad does happen."

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