Chapter 36- Improbability

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I ship it, I'm so... not sorry XP

"Wait... S-Seto... Wh-what?" Jax stuttered, staring down at the diminutive Sorcerer, who sighed.

"I... I-I kinda had a crush on you last we saw each other." He muttered. "B-but it was years ago, i-I don't even know if I still have them." Jax sighed, leaning down to eye level with him.

"Seto... This is something very serious." She murmured. "You have to be sure of something like this before you confess." His head bowed a little in guilt.

"I-I know,but you asked me why I helped you when we were in school, and that's why, so..." Jax sighed inwardly, realizing the Sorcerer was right.

"I'm sorry..." She murmured, resting her hand behind him. He closed his eyes as she gently pet him on the head, nodding slightly.

"It's alright." He mumbled, letting his shoulders sag a little. "I-I know it was a long time ago, so you don't need to feel forced between any choices."

"I don't feel forced between anything." She assured him, tilting her hand and scooping the young Sorcerer up. He sat up as she caressed the top of his head, gently messing with his soft hair. He smiled a little, his eyes still closed.

"Good." He whispered. "So let's best not mention this conversation to anyone else, eh?" Jax lifted him up and gently kissed the top of his head in a platonic gesture.


Samantha's POV

I yawned and sat back as everyone else finished their portions of the steak, hearing their satisfied murmurs. Then exhausted little Adam gave a yawn.

"I'm tired already." He whined. I rolled my eyes when Ty pinched him for fun, then the two ended up in a squabble.

"Break it up you two." Kittin yanked them both away from each other, and I picked up Adam before he could playfully tackle Ty again.

"Now now," I protested, cradling him against my upper thorax. "I'm sure we all need rest. It is, after all, like nine." I glanced over at Jax, who was joking around with Seto and Jerome.

"Hey Jax, you want to stay over for the night? I have no idea how far away your house is." I noticed her glance down at Seto, then smiled at me.

"I'd like that, thanks." I sighed and then got up, picking up a couple of the Tinies.

"I still despise being manhandled." Wildstar grumbled, fidgeting in my grip as I carried them upstairs, Jax following me with Mitch, Jerome, Seto, Ian, Jordan and Ty in her arms. They all looked tired, so we brought them into my room and set them all down on my end table and dresser.

"Seto, I need to talk to you." I had been eyeing the Sorcerer, watching him as he anxiously climbed out of Jax's hand, and I had noticed how much he glanced at the floor, swallowing nervously and all.

"Oh-ok..." He stammered, walking to the edge. I picked him up and mumbled to Jax, "Can you make sure they're all tucked in with the scarves in my closet?" She nodded, and I carried Seto across the hall to Mitch's room, closing the door partially before sitting down on the bed, staying quiet for a moment.

"... you don't need to be afraid every time me or Jax hold you." I finally murmured. He went tense and looked down at the floor, sitting on my palm.

"I know." He grunted distantly.

"We wouldn't drop you or the others deliberately for sure, and-"

"I know." His usually soft voice had an edge to it, as if he was... scared. I lifted him up to eye level, gazing at him with sympathy.

"I know it seems scary, but it's not." I assured him. "Being this size can also be fun-"

"Samantha." Normally, if he was angry, his eyes would glint purple, but they didn't despite his harsh tone. "I'm fine." I frowned at him, leaning back against the wall.

"Then what is it?" I persisted. He clenched his jaw, avoiding my eyes.

"Nothing." He quickly replied.

"Seto?" He cringed under my sharp tone, quickly looking back up at me, and I quickly softened my voice. "You can tell me." He glanced back at the partially closed door before sighing and resting his small hands on my thumb, giving me an intent look.

"... I can't use magic." He admitted. I widened my eyes as he continued, "And I know for sure, many times I tried to heal my wounds, I tried to teleport, I even tried basic levitating. I even tried saying my spells out loud, it doesn't work!" I let out a slow sigh, and gently hugged him.

"I'm sure your magic just needs to adjust to your new size."

"Well I was able to use it to escape Aelam-" Alarmed, I quickly looked down at him.

"Aelam?" I exclaimed. "He did this to you?" Guiltily, he nodded, leaning back against my fingers.

"Yeah... I guess I forgot to mention it?" I sighed before hugging him again.

"....... Well... It's ok, but next time tell me something like this alright?" He didn't answer, so I glanced down to see him lying against my chest, his eyes closed. "Seto?" I asked. He stirred a little and mumbled something incoherent before nuzzling my collar bone with one side of his head, his hoodie falling down to reveal his brown hair. I sighed inwardly, relaxing at his innocent appearance. I leaned down and gently kissed his forehead, petting his hair. "Goodnight Seto." I whispered. He shifted slightly at his name, yawning in his sleep like a small child. I smiled and laid back against Mitch's pillows, letting the diminutive Sorcerer lay on top of me. I kept my hand over him, still stroking the back of his head to make sure he stayed asleep.

I then grabbed the blanket that was over the pillows and unfolded it, covering myself enough to where it covered most of Seto as well, and he snuggled under the covers, curling up a little more. I chuckled quietly and rested my head back, closing my eyes and letting my mind drift, and I slipped into sleep.

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