Chapter 43- The Finale

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Seto's POV

"W-wait stop here!" I stopped running as Emma leaped out of my arms, starting to run for the exit.

"Whoa, where are you going!?" I shouted, grabbing her hand and stopping her. She turned to me with fear in her eyes.

"Escaping!" She replied in a high note from being frightened.

"But my friends, we gotta help them!" She gave me a torn expression.

"B-but you promised..." She whimpered. Remembering that I had vowed to not let anyone know about her, I sighed and nodded.

"My friend Samantha has the potion that'll allow me to be my normal size again, at least follow me but stay hidden." I pleaded. I wanted to help this poor borrower, to give her a better life. She saw how serious my gaze was, and she sighed before slowly shaking her head.

"C-can I stay out-outside and then you come and get me?" She asked quietly. I nodded, sighing in relief at her acceptance for me to help her.

"Of course." I watched her crawl under the door, and then I turned around to see that a man was staring down at me.


My eyes widened, and I took a step back as he chortled mockingly.

"You really think it'll be that easy?" He jeered, taking a threatening step forward. I lifted my hands up to shout a spell, then my expression fell to horror as I remembered that I couldn't use magic still. As Eric reached down to pick me up, I screamed, "NO!!!!!!!" threw my hands up again as if to shield myself, and then blacked out.

Samantha's POV

"Seto!" I called out again, hearing the others doing the same. Jax had met up with us and Ty, so she procured a satchel for us to be able to hold all of our tiny friends, Johnathan included. Now all we were missing was Seto, and that girl I had put him in charge of.

But he wasn't where I left him. I couldn't find him. The thought of the little Sorcerer's worst possible fate made my breath grow shallow, and my ears wilt. Then I shoved that idea to the side. No, he was tougher than that. I sighed shallowly when Jax suddenly lifted her head, blinking as she looked around through the labyrinth of hallways.

"... I sense magic." She murmured, breaking into a run. I strode after her, seeing a bright purple glow of light after a few minutes, which faded just before we reached the origin of where it came from. Eric, to my surprise, was out cold on the floor, and Seto was too.

"Seto!" I shouted, setting the satchel down and cupping my hands to gently scoop the sorcerer's tiny limp body. "Seto..." I whimpered, feeling his chest for a sign of life. To my relief, his heart was still beating, but really fast. Then he suddenly twitched and opened his eyes, which were fading from a hue of purple to their normal brown.

"... I feel like I'm on a really bad hangover." He croaked. I laughed in relief, hugging him. "Ehk... choking... not... breathing..." He rasped. I immediately apologized, handing him over to Jax, who stared down at him for a few seconds.

"... You can use magic again..." She murmured. Seto nodded, sitting up and pulling his hoodie back up.

"Yeah, dunno how but we gotta get back to normal size again, and fast."

"I have it." I dug into a pocket of my bag and pulled out the small vial, looking down at the others. "Here, each of you take a sip." I directed. The guys immediately complied, while the girls looked up at me with hesitation.

"... uh..." Wildstar started.

"The thing is..." Kyleen shyly added.

"... we kinda wanna stay this size." Yumi finished, glancing back at the other tinies, who all nodded in agreement. I was about to contradict when Seto wheezed, "Let them then..." I wondered why all of a sudden he was going soft on them, then I turned my head to look over at him.

"Wait, where's the borrower?" He gave me a guarded look, and I frowned as Jax questioned, "Borrower?"

"... she left." He replied slowly. "She was too fast for me, since she's always been this size." I had the feeling that he was lying, but I didn't press it as I took the half empty vial from the guys, who all looked a little queasy as they swayed a little, and I handed it to Jax. She helped Seto take a few sips because of his drained condition when I was suddenly bowled over. I rolled over to see Aelam glaring down at me, his foot on my ribcage.

"D*mn it Samantha Majo James Verona!" He snarled. I flinched at my full name being said out loud, and I quickly grabbed his foot and flung him over to the side, tackling him. "I have a career to take care of, I have to get revenge on your kind!" He snarled. I hesitated before I could punch him, confusion filling me.

"Why!?" I demanded, grabbing him by the front of his shirt's collar. He gave me a hostile glare, then let his gaze slide behind me, and his eyes widened. I glanced back to see that the guys were back to their normal size, all slowly sitting up and looking a tad peckish.

"How-how did you-!?" Then he glared at Seto, who was being helped up by Jax. "You!" He hissed. "YOU SORCERER FILTH!!!!" I was pushed away, and Aelam unhooked his gun from his belt and aimed, about to fire at the surprised sorcerer.

"Oh no you don't!!!!" I growled, jumping on his back and making him topple. We rolled a few feet until the others helped out, Ian wrenching the gun away while Jason and Adam pinned Aelam down, grabbing him by the arms and hauling him to his feet. I kicked him somewhere I won't say for good measures, making him fall to his knees with a pained expression.

"Ooh, ouch," I heard Adam mutter sympathetically. I stood over Aelam, flames burning in my eyes with fury.

"... Don't... Ever..." I started saying, gritting my teeth as my eyes turned pure blood-red with fury. "... Call Seto sorcerer filth." And then I gave him a blow to the cheek, and he fell to the ground unconscious. I took a step back, breathing heavily. The girls were saying among themselves things like, 'Man, I wish I could get a punch or two in', or 'Dang it, I wanted to go all ninja!', and other comments. I stared at Aelam's unconscious figure, breathing heavily.

I had done it.

I had given the man who had caused my life to be a train wreck... payback.

I lifted my eyes upward a little when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and I turned my head to see Seto's calm expression.

"It's over now," He murmured. "You did it...

'Let's go home."

Normal Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें