Chapter 9- "Mitch"-Napped?

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Samantha's POV

     I set Ian carefully down beside Adam and Jason while Seto picked Ty up and followed me.

     "So just like, don't move or you'll make your injury worse, the muscles need some time to heal." I reprimanded to Ian.

     "Yeah yeah yeah, I know I know, I was in the military remember?" He grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

     "Of course, how could I forget at the numerous times you've reminded me?"

     "Well." Ty muttered, shifting in Seto's grasp. "This is going well."

     I'm glad Ian's alright-ish and all, but we're still missing Mitch Jerome and Jordan?" Adam pointed out.

     "And we found Jordan!" I looked to the side to see Silverstreamcat and Kittin carefully escorting a shaken up Jordan across the living room floor. I slowly got down on my knees to seem less tall and intimidating as Jordan looked up nervously.

     "Uh, hi?" He squeaked. I gave him a reassuring smile as Silverstreamcat looked down to avoid being spotted laughing.

     "How ya feeling?"

     "Not good." He shook his head slowly, then groaning lightly in pain. "My head's swimming. I had two pieces of that pizza." I bit my lip in anxiety.

     "Jardan you fool." I scolded teasingly. Adam snickered not too far away from me as Kittin carefully let Jordan go, stepping away from him.

     "Since we found him unconscious, we're thinking that Mitch and Jerome might be out somewhere nearby too, so we have the others splitting up to search." She explained.

     "And where'd you find him?" Seto asked, putting Ty down gently beside Adam and Jason.

     "In uh, in Adam's 'office room'."

     "It actually is an office." Adam grumbled. Ty elbowed him in the ribs with a glare. "What? It is!" He protested, rubbing his side where Ty elbowed him.

     "Guys, guys." Jason interrupted. "This is kind of serious. We still have no idea where two of our friends are."

Mitch's POV

     "Uhhng..." My whole body felt numb. Weak. What happened? I tried to run outside to... hurl, I guess I could put it as, then I passed out. I managed to lift my head up as my eyes fluttered open. Holy- everything was huge! I sat up abruptly, my jaw dropping in alarm.

    "Woah!?" I exclaimed, blinking a few times to be sure. Nope, it was real. Either I shrunk or magically teleported into a giant's world, but neither seemed likely. Oh dood, am I in big trouble or what?

     I felt my surroundings start to shake, then I was abruptly yanked into the air. I'll admit that I let out a girly yell of alarm as I was abruptly covered in darkness as I was put into a small bag. I fell to the bottom of the bag, then ended up winded as I panted for breath. What's going on!? Did this happen to the others? I felt the bag be tossed, then land on something hard, sending me flying again. I rolled to a stop as I heard an engine rev, then my surroundings vibrated. I managed to get up on my feet and start to call out for help, probably in vain.

     "Help! Help, I'm being Mitch-napped!"

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