Chapter 18- Recovering and Requests

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Seto's POV

     I hurried upstairs to find Samantha, cradling Ty's small unconscious figure to my chest as I found her in Ty's room, looking under the bed with the Tinies and the guys around her.

     "Uh, what are you doin'?" I asked. She flinched guiltily and jumped to her feet, panic apparent in her eyes.

     "I-I can't find Ty!" Her voice was a pitch higher than normal, shrill with alarm. "He-he was here just a moment ago, a-and now he's not here!" Her hands flew to the top of her head, knotting her hair into a tangled mess.

     "That's because I found him." I replied bluntly. She stared at me with disbelief.

     "H-how?" I heard Adam ask. "He never left the room!"

     "No, not through the door, but another way." I uncurled my hand, glancing down at his fragile figure. "Apparently there's a series of mouse tunnels, and he ended up in our cabinet." Samantha rushed over to me, gently scooping Ty up in her hands.

     "Wh-why is he all bruised up a-and-" She started stammering, but I gently stopped her.

     "Let's just say Eclipse gave him a nasty surprise in a huge accident." I replied quietly. Her mouth hung open at me.

     "So now Eclipse and Zain are on board!?" She exclaimed. I nodded, taking Ty back out of her hands.

     "Yeah, sorta. So I'm gonna work on healing Ty." I responded. "Make sure the others don't get into any trouble." She nodded.

     "Alright." She murmured, glancing at him before turning to check on the others. I carried Ty back downstairs, whisking into my room and shutting the door quietly behind me. I took my cloak off with my free hand, using magic to neatly fold it into a thick square and set it down on the small table in the middle of my room, then gently put Ty down on top of it. I walked over to my brewing stand, grabbing a potion before going back to Ty, then I pulled the cork off and poured a few drops of the liquid into his mouth. He instinctively swallowed it, coughing a little in his sleep.

     "That's it." I murmured. "Just a little more..." After a few more drops, I put the cork back in the glass bottle, setting it next to my brewing stand before crouching beside the table, observing my diminutive friend quietly. I could easily spot the small faint movements of his chest moving up and down as he breathed lightly. He fidgeted every now and then, as if having a dream. That might be what he's having right now, I guessed.

     After a few hours passed, he suddenly jerked and sat up abruptly, gasping for breath as he snapped back into consciousness. I watched him silently as his gaze jerked around, and he finally looked over at me, backpedaling a few centimeters as he quivered.

     "S-Seto?" He asked in a small voice. My gaze softened at his inquiry. He was reminding me of a small child at this moment, lost and scared, for some reason.

     "It's ok Ty, it's me." I answered quietly, biting my lower lip. He sighed in relief, slowly lying back down as he continued to breathe heavily.

     "... where's Samantha?" He croaked. "I need Samantha..." I blinked in surprise at his request.

     "O-ok, I-I'll get her." I stammered, standing up quickly. A bit too quickly, since it made Ty cringe. "Sorry." I briefly apologized before walking out of my room to fetch Samantha.

Samantha's POV

     "Ah no! Please I fan!" I begged, lying on the floor as the Tinies tugged on my hair.

     "Get her!" I heard Wildstar yowl.

     "Aha, no!" I squealed. Someone started tickling me, and I fell apart in a fit of giggles.

     "Shadow keep tickling her!" I heard Starboard shout joyously. "It's weakening her."

     "Uah!" I yelped, feeling someone hop on top of my head.

     "Yeah-ha, I stand on top of the conquered beast!" I heard Adam crow in my ear. I went limp, pretending to be dead.

     "Uhh, you killed me." I groaned mockingly. I heard Skylar giggle at my silliness, standing in front of my face, eye level with me.

     "Oh yeah, how come you're still talking?" She teased. "Ian, Kyleen, Yumi, Jordan, Kittin, Kay-- keep distracting her!"

     "Wha-eyah!" I yelped, feeling myself being tickled again on the sides. I turned my head to see Seto standing at the doorway, staring at me with confusion and humor.

     "Ok ok, let her free guys." He teased gently. I felt Mitch and Jerome hop off my hands, and the others backed away to allow me to sit up.

     "Oi!" I realized Adam was still on the top of my head, leaning over my bangs and glaring at me upside down. "I didn't get off yet!"

     "That's what you get for persuading me to play Kill the Beast or whatever!" I scoffed, gently prying him off my hair and resting my hand on the floor beside me. He eagerly hopped off, glaring back up at me with a teasing expression as I clambered to my feet.

     "So what's up Seto?" I asked cheerfully.

     "... Ty's awake." He murmured quietly. "He's asking for you. I'll watch the others as well..." My cheery mood faded, and my smile dissipated.

     "Oh." I replied in a low voice. "Why?" He shrugged.

     "You'll have to ask him yourself."

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