Chapter 42- Escape Plans

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Seto's POV

"Come on keep going!" I urged Emma as we ran through a huge hallway, both of us breathing pretty hard.

"I... Can't." She panted, falling behind. I stopped and turned to her.

"But we gotta find the others!" I reminded her. She took a wobbly step back to catch her balance, wheezing.

"But I can... Barely stand..." She wheezed. "And I'm so... T-tired and... Hungry..." I went over to her and picked her up bridal style, ignoring her yelp of surprise as I started running again, and she tightly wrapped her arms around my neck to stabilize herself.

"We can't give up, just-not yet. It's not over." I replied breathlessly. "They need our help."

"B-but they're humans... R-right?" I slowed a little, glancing at her in confusion.

"Half of them, yeah. Why?" I inquired.

"I... I-I don't like humans." I stopped this time and frowned.

"But I'm human." I reminded her. She tilted her head a little.

"You're a Sorcerer, judging by the outfit." I blushed a little as Emma continued. "But humans... Humans kind of... Scare me." She had muttered that last part under her breath, and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well, I wouldn't hurt you, even if I were my normal size." She gave me a faint small smile.

"C-can I maybe... Stay with you guys... F-for a little bit?" She asked shyly. I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah of course. And I wont tell anyone if you want." She hugged me, making me smile and pat her head.

"Alright, we gotta keep moving."

Ty's POV

"God... Freaking... Urgh!" I yelled on frustration, banging my fists ineffectively against the glass with each word of my string of curses. I knew it was hopeless, but I knew Samantha would get hurt if she tried to rescue me. I finally stopped, rubbing my bruised knuckles and wincing. I'm officially sick of being an inch-or 2, whatever- tall. I sighed disconsolately, brushing the back of my hand against my forehead to shift my bangs out of my face. What's the point? I certainly can't get out, and no one can certainly help me-

I started in alarm when the door was kicked open, and a soldier was pushed through it to faceplant.

"J-Jax!" I exclaimed, rapping my fist against the glass. She looked over at me, and then widened her eyes.

"Ty?" She called out, starting to go over to me. I quickly shook my head.

"No don't! It's a trap!" I yelled back. She stopped and glanced around in confusion, then let magic form in her hands and closed her eyes, concentrating. Then she opened them again and directed her gaze to the wall.

"There." She cautiously felt the floor, then pressed her hand against one tile, and it sank under her touch. Arrows whizzed out of the wall and pierced the other side, which made me yelp in alarm and cower a little. "Alright, I'll be careful." She assured me, feeling her way across the floor. After ducking from a few more traps, she finally made it to my confinement. "It's ok, I gotchya." She murmured, gently lifting up the glass box. I pressed myself against one corner to avoid falling over as she slowly felt the box for an opening, and then was about to use her magic to open it when I spotted movement behind her.

"Jax!" I yelled, and she turned just as the gun was shot. She barely had enough time to throw her arms up and deflect the bullet with magic, but it had come close enough to nick the skin on her hand with a small thin trail. She grunted a little in pain, but flicked her other hand at the mercenary, and made him pass out.

"You ok?" She asked breathlessly, opening the box and gently lifting me out. I shivered a little in protest at being picked up, then I nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok, but you gotta get the others."

Kay's POV

I let out another canine like whine, rocking back and forth in the low lighting of the cage as Adam paced back and forth.

"We gotta get out of here," He mumbled. "Gotta escape... Get Ty back... And Jax..." The other girls were reassuring each other, while Ian was constantly feeling the bars, as if to find a possible escape. Mitch and Jerome were comforting each other, like best friends should, and Jason was huddled in one corner, shivering from the cold with Jordan. My ears were pressed down, and my fluffy tail was tucked tightly around my legs as I hugged my knees, trying to hold back tears. This reminded me too much of before...

Ian suddenly grabbed Adam's arm, clamping his hand over his mouth and stopping his muttering.

"Mmph?" Was the response he got. He rolled his eyes and let go, pointing to the door.

"There's someone outside." He whispered. We all perked up and strained to hear what was going on.

"You really think you can beat me like that?"

"That's Brayden." I mumbled, shuddering.

"Hmph, no. I think more like this." There was a thud, and then a few thumps as Adam whispered excitedly, "That's Samantha!" The door suddenly busted open, Brayden being pushed to the floor as Samantha leaped forward and pinned him, baring her small but pernicious cat fangs. They stared at each other for a few seconds, then Brayden murmured, "‎tu as gagné." I frowned in confusion at the words that sounded like gibberish, then widened my eyes a little when Samantha replied with, "Bien... ‎maintenant, que mes amis vont." Then she let Brayden get up, and he wordlessly left.

"Je suis seul." Was all he said before whisking out of sight. Samantha sighed quietly, then looked over at us as we all stared at her.

"What, have you never heard French before?" Silverstreamcat rolled her eyes humorously as Samantha fumbled with the lock, then opened the cage. Adam immediately sprang forward and hugged her index.

"... Adam what are you doing?" She questioned, trying to hold back her laughter.

"What I can't hug you!?" He retorted, grinning. I giggled a little, getting up as we all clambered eagerly out of the cage, I being last. As I climbed down from the partially laid down cage door to the floor, I heard footsteps behind Samantha.

"Wait." Brayden's voice came as a croak, a pleading tone. Samantha turned to him, and we all spotted Brayden holding something. No, not something, someone.

"Is that... Johnathan!?" Samantha gasped. Brayden nodded, desperation evident in his eyes.

"Please, can you turn him back to normal?" He begged. Ian narrowed his eyes a little.

"How do we know he won't turn on us?" He asked suspiciously.

"Because after you help us, we'll leave." Samantha's eyes were wide, obviously thrown off guard.

"You know it won't be easy to just leave Aelam's command like that." Brayden nodded, his eyes looking down at his unconscious older brother.

"I know." He murmured. "But he's my brother. All he's done was to protect me and give me a better future." Slowly, Samantha took up Johnathan in her hands, who stirred a little but stayed out cold. "Thank you." Brayden sighed softly, his eyes shimmering with relief and gratitude. "I'll give you enough time to escape." Then he left again, leaving us all speechless.

"Well..." Wildstar said hesitantly. "That was unexpected."

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