Chapter 25- Rain, Rain, Rain, and Ze Fluff :3

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The rest of the day was a slow yet sometimes fast-ish blurr. Turns out Ian was still the tallest, but Ty was almost taller. I cooked everyone some chicken for lunch because it was much easier for the Tinies to eat at that size. Then we all watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Netflix-- I can't remember who picked it, but oh well. Then after that, I noticed that the guys were getting sleepy, and so were the others. Seto and I carried them to the room farthest away from mine- Mitch's- so that the bees wouldn't bother us until Seto could get it under control. Fortunately, I had earlier taken the scarves out of my room to let the Tinies play with them, which for some reason ended up with Adam underneath all of them.

As I set down everyone in my hands on their own scarves, Seto followed my action and set down the ones he held until we both only had one person left in our arms, Ty and Mitch.

"... I'll take Ty." I murmured, setting Mitch down on the last scarf and tucking him in before turning to Seto and gently taking Ty out of his arms. He dipped his head, gazing down at the small figure of his best friend.

"I'll work on the potion for a little bit, and try to get it done sooner than a month." He replied in a soft tone, not wanting to wake anyone from their slumbers. He left and quietly shut the door behind him, and I looked down at Ty, my gaze softening. He looked so innocent, curled up in the center of my palm, asleep.

I slowly brought him over to the bed, easing myself onto it in a circumspect manner to avoid waking him up. I set him on the side of the pillow where the wall blocked any possibility of falling, and laid down on the outer edge of the bed. I grabbed the blanket that Mitch sometimes used and covered myself and Ty with it, enough to keep him warm. He shifted in his sleep, mumbling something incoherently as he turned over, hugging the blanket. I smiled faintly and closed my eyes, letting my mind drift as a distant echo of thunder sounded past the horizon.

*******le time skip of fluff >:3 *******

At a loud crash of thunder, I twitched awake easily, taking a deep breath as the pattering of heavy rain tapped on the roof of the house, and the window. I turned over to check on the Tinies, seeing that they were miraculously still asleep despite another snarl of thunder, lightning making my vision flash with white light briefly.

 I turned back over to check on Ty, but I didn't see him. I almost panicked and freaked out in my groggy state, when my sluggish mind then registered the small lump under the blanket and covers. Cautiously, I gently reached over and lifted the layers up, sighing in relief when they revealed Ty, wide awake and almost trembling. I stared at him, silently demanding a reason as to why he was hiding. I think he was about to answer when a loud bang from the raging thunder storm outside occurred, making him cut himself off with a cringe.

The thunder must sound way too loud to him, I decided. I set the covers back behind him, and he shivered as the cool air nipped him. I curled my hand around him and gently nudged him over to me. He made his way to my abdomen, pressing against me for reassurance and warmth. He flinched at another rumble of thunder, then relaxed slightly, snuggling against my side. I felt my cheeks burn as my heart seemed to melt, seeing my crush acting in this cute innocent way. I wrapped my arms around him in a small, gentle and slightly awkward embrace, hugging him as if to protect him from the storm outside.

I let my thumb gently rub the curve of his spine in a reassuring way as he sat down, leaning against me. I realized that I could feel his small, gentle heartbeat tapping away in the dark, as well as every small breath he took. His breathing gradually slowed down to every other second, and I faintly smiled. Ty had finally fallen asleep.

I pulled the covers back up a little bit to where they partially covered the little figure tucked into my flank, and I gently stroked his head, feeling his soft hair lightly tickle the tip of my finger. I slowly closed my eyes, starting to slip back into sleep when-- to my surprise-- I felt something clamber onto my shoulder, nestling itself in the crook of my neck. I sleepily opened my eyes and slightly twisted my head to see that it was Adam. I also spotted Mitch cautiously approaching me, as well as Jason. I closed my eyes again, sighing inwardly in content and ignoring both the raging storm and the quivering figures that came over and snuggled me. I merely let my breathing slow, and I slipped into unconsciousness.

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