Chapter 24- A Bee's Gotta Bee a Bee

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     "So you explained to them? About how their uh, size is possible? And everything?" Seto nodded.

     "Yup, and they swore that they wouldn't say anything to anyone." He replied. I glanced at the clock, which read 12:56. I sighed inwardly as he added, "Well, I uh... best tend to the potion to make the guys back to normal, so can you keep them entertained?" I nodded slowly in defeat and sniffed in fake disappointment.

     "Do I have to?" I playfully whined, grinning. He chuckled good-naturally, nodding.

     "Yeah, you're stuck with them." I laughed.

     "Alright alright, do your magic tricks while I get ganged up on." I left him on the stairs and finished climbing up them and strolled into Ty's room, which was apparently the temporary place they were going to reside in. Well, unless they're sleeping, then they'd be in my room. Not in a creepy way, but so I can keep an eye on them... asleep or not.

     "Hi Samantha!" Starboard chirped, sitting on the edge of Ty's desk. I smiled.

     "Hullo, where are the others?" She looked around nervously, and my smile faded. "Seriously, where are they?" I pressed.

     "... You have to find them!" She blurted. "They wanted to play hide and seek, and I'm the seeker." I smirked, feeling evil.

     "Oh?" I asked rhetorically. "Let's see if I can help."

Ty's POV

     "Go go go!" I hissed, gently shoving Adam under the door.

     "Hang on, we're not supposed to leave your room!" He protested. I shrugged and followed him under the door, standing beside him when we both took a moment to realize how large the house now was.

     "Come on." I snapped out of my trance and scuttled across the hall to Samantha's room, squeezing between the small space under the door. Adam hesitantly followed me, and I helped him out to avoid having him stuck between the carpet and the door. "So, where shall we hide?" I asked, taking a look around.

     "I dunno, maybe in the same room as the others? Where we're supposed to be?" I rolled my eyes.

     "You're too serious." I teased, starting to walk across the room. Adam clambered across the thick carpet after me.

     "Uh, Ty? What if Samantha comes in here and doesn't she us?" He pestered. "She could step on us.." I glanced back at him.

     "Oh, don't be such a sissy." I shot back. He stopped and folded his arms over his chest.

     "I'm not, I'm trying to keep us alive." He protested. "We still don't know what could happen. So the little things we never noticed could kill us!"

     "Be quiet!" I suddenly snapped, looking around.

     "I am not-" I muffled him with my hand, glancing at the shadows under Samantha's bed.

     "Seriously; listen." Sure enough, a scrabbling sound started up again, and then a buzzing sound. I heard Adam mutter a small string of curses when a bee flew out from under the bed, sauntering into the air. Then it turned to us, and I noticed how much larger its stinger seemed. "Run!" I yelped.

Samantha's POV

     After about a quarter of an hour, me and Starboard gradually found everyone and relieved them from their hiding places. Well, everyone except Ty and Adam. I sighed and sat back against the bed, knowing that they were likely up to some kind of mischief.

     "All right, Ty, Adam." I called out wearily. "You win, you can come out now." There was no response, and I frowned. "Guys?" I called out. The others glanced around apprehensively.

"I bet they left the room, I call it." I heard Skylar mutter to Jordan, who murmured in agreement. I sighed and got up, going around my diminutive friends, and I opened the door, peeking in the hallway.

"Guys?" I called out softly, not wanting to alert Seto. He didn't need to know that Ty and Adam were AWOL, not yet at least. I strained my hearing a moment, flicking my cat ears around, and I heard a buzzing sound. I tried to ignore it until I realized it was coming from my room. So was some shouting.

"Oh shoot." I muttered, having a guess as to where the two missing Youtubers were. I ran over to my room and flung the door open, only to yelp and jump back when a bee almost flew in my face. "Guys?" I called out, seeing another bee hovering threateningly over an empty glass that had once been on my desk. I realized that Ty and Adam were trapped under it, cowering from the bee above them and the glass between them and the insect. Ty had heard me call out, and managed to shout back, "Yeah over here!"

I took a deep breath before jumping over the bee that apparently was feeling threatened by me, and I scooped up the cup and the guys, yelping again when the bee almost stung.

"AH GAHD NU I HATE BEES!!!!" I shouted, springing out of my room and slamming the door shut, then scampering into Ty's room and shutting that door, breathing heavily and clutching the cup and the guys to my heart. I then slowly sighed in relief, calming down when I heard a small tap on the glass.

"Can you let us out now?" Adam asked in an irritated tone. I sat down on my knees and pulled the cup off of them, and Adam leaped off my hand when I started lowering it for them to get off. "Meehhheh!" He exclaimed, shivering. "I never liked insects, and spiders-" he cut himself off, only shivering again in disgust. Ty sat down on the edge of my hand, his legs hanging over the side of my palm.

"Soooo thanks I guess?" He mumbled, looking up at me.

"What were you two doing in there?" I finally asked. He shrugged.

"Hiding?" He replied innocently. I rolled my eyes, and the others laughed when the door opened, and Seto leaned into the room holding one of the foul black and yellow insects with magic, looking grumpy.

"Why and how are there bees in my room?" We all shared a knowing look and burst out laughing, leaving the poor Sorcerer confused and irritated.

"Oi, I got stung this isn't funny! And I was in the middle of a potion and it almost started a fire!..." We only kept bantering, because it really was funny, he just couldn't see it yet.

"All right then," I let Ty climb off of my hand. "Who wants to see who's taller, seeing that no one's actually measured them self?"

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