Chapter 10- Panic

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Seto's POV

     "Samantha, we've searched this entire house, they're not here!" Yumi protested. Samantha facepalmed, her shoulders sagging.

     "Are you sure?" She demanded. Yumi nodded, shrinking back a little bit behind Kay.

     "Samantha, please, calm down." I reprimanded her, noticing all of the Tinies' looks of guilt and alarm. She fell silent, then finally took a deep breath.

     "Maybe... maybe they're outside?" She asked hopefully, looking up from her hands at me. I nodded, setting my hand flat on the floor for the Tinies to climb on.

     "Maybe." Kay was the first to climb on, then Wildstar, Icicle, and Taiga followed her. Samantha used both of her hands to pick up Starboard, Kittin, Skylar, Kyleen, Shadow, and Silverstreamcat. I sighed and used my spare hand to pick up Adam, Ty, Jordan and Jason, who all protested at being 'man-handled', and then I carefully picked up Ian as well.

     "You know I could have walked." I heard Adam grumble. I rolled my eyes and opened the door with my telekinesis, surprising them when my hands glowed.

     "Sorry." Then I added to Samantha, "Are you sure we should bring them out here? I mean, they could get hurt."

      "Oh yeah? And what does that make us? Anchovies?" Kittin growled. Wildstar rolled her eyes and patted my thumb.

     "Relax, they're in good hands, and we know the place. We've been like this all of our lives, so we can take care of them, can we not?" I sighed and set them down on the doorstep.

     "All right, but be very careful." I warned. I nodded to Samantha, and she hesitantly put the others down beside them.

     "Seriously, it's a lot larger out here than indoors." She added. I noticed Jordan edge over to her, still looking a little high-strung at the surroundings. I started getting up from my knees when something burst out of the grass stalks. It was Jerome.

     "Mitch- car- taken-kidnapped-needs... help..." He stopped running, swaying for a moment before falling forward and passing out. I stared at him in confusion and worry, noticing how fast and lightly he was breathing.

     "Get the others back inside." I murmured. Samantha sighed inwardly, nodding and opening the door for the Tinies and the guys to go inside, then gave me a concerned glance.

     "Will he be ok?" She asked. I slowly reached my hand out and picked up Jerome, who shivered in his unconsciousness.

     "Uh... I-I think so." I responded.

     "But what about Mitch?" I froze. Jerome had mentioned Mitch before he had passed out. He had also mentioned kidnapped. Did that mean...?

     "Oh..." I groaned in realization. "Samantha, get inside, now." She hurried into the house, shutting the door quickly behind her with a slam. The sudden noise startled Jerome and abruptly jerked him into consciousness, gasping with each breath. As soon as he saw me, he widened his eyes and backed up to the edge of my hand, his breathing still fast.

     "It's ok Jerome, it's me." I said quietly, keeping my voice at a calm pitch. He sighed and rested his hands on his head, still shaking with each breath.

     "The-the people-the-Mitch-they-they took him-they-" He tried to talk, but I stopped him.

     "Jerome, calm down. Take a deep breath." He started taking in deep shaky breaths until his chest stopped moving up and down so quickly. "Alright, now tell me what happened. Slowly."

     "Th-they... they took him... They're... they're gonna hurt him... I-I know it..." He spoke in a small voice, still trembling.

     "Who? Who took him?"

     "The-the... the guys that... th-that wanted Samantha, th-they..." He stopped to take a deep breath, then spoke with a clear voice.

     "Eric kidnapped Mitch."

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