Chapter 33- Meeting the Witch

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Adam's POV

I slowly roused from my unconsciousness, opening my eyes tiredly to blurry vision before yawning. A little bit of pain in my sternum reminded me of what had happened, almost being suffocated by a cat, and my eyes fully flew open. I managed to sit up, having to grit my teeth, and see where I was.

I was in someone's home, but I didn't know who's. It was a nice place, not too fancy, but the strange thing was that... It looked similar to Seto's room? There were potions In some partially open cabinets, and there was a brewing stand not too far away from where I was. Ok seriously, who's house is this?

"Hey, you're awake." A feminine voice said, and I froze, looking to my left. "Err, try the other way." I turned around and yelped in surprise, starting to scramble back had my ribcage not hurt again, which made me stop and grit my teeth with an inward groan. In front of me was a pale teenage girl, with red hair, blue eyes and freckles, and was... Maybe five and a half feet tall? Give or take. "You'll hurt yourself if you do that too much." She pointed out. She walked over to her cabinets of potions and grabbed a vermillion colored one. My breathing grew quicker as she walked back over to me,taking the cork out of the glass.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's just a healing potion." She assured me, kneeling down to my eye level. She gently picked me up, bringing me over to her and sitting down, resting me on her thigh. "It's ok, don't be scared..." She soothed, gently tilting the opening of the potion up against my mouth. I hesitantly started drinking it, and the potion was slowly drained. Then the discomfort from my bruises started to fade.

"See? That wasn't so bad,huh?" She questioned after I had drank it all, setting the empty container to the side with her hand still behind me. I couldn't help but let out a small yawn, relaxed now that I knew she wasn't going to hurt me.

"... What's your name?" I mumbled. She blinked in surprise that I was so eager to talk before giving me a small smile.

"Jax." I was about to say my name she she interrupted me. "I know what your name is already, Adam." I stared up at the red head in mild suspicion and surprise.

"How do you my name?" I demanded.

"I was friends with Seto when we were younger."

"Wait really?" I asked. I know Seto never really talked about his childhood, but I didn't know he was friends with a Sorceress. As if reading my thoughts, Jax added, "I'm a witch in case you were wondering." "Huh." I let myself lean back with curiosity now overwhelming me. "So why did you save me? Because I'm friends with Seto?" She shrugged.

"You were in trouble; you needed help." Ok, good enough reason. That cat didn't have to smother me though.

"Stupid cat." I grumbled out loud. Jax laughed a little at my comment.

"Maybe cats just like you." She suggested.

"Well I wish they would gimme some space then!" I replied jokingly, then stopped talking and broke off with a yawn, starting to feel drowsy.

"Tired?" Jax asked.

"No I'm so energetic right now..." I replied with sarcasm in my weak tone. She grinned, letting her thumb rest on my hair and rubbed the top of my head in a stroking motion. I stifled another yawn, folding my arms over my chest.

"You can go to sleep here if you want." She offered. I glowered up at her with a tired expression.

"... I wanna go home..." I mumbled sleepily.

"I'll take you home, after you get some sleep." She promised. I closed my eyes and murmured, "... Well I guess... It wouldn't hurt to... Recover... A li'l..." The girl smiled at my slurred words.

"Exactly. You'll recover in no time and then be able to go home." She agreed. I sighed inwardly, feeling my consciousness begin to slip.

"Beh... B' s... L..." Then I fell asleep against Jax's hand.

Jax belongs to @_In_Benja_We_Trust_

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