Chapter 30- Doubt?

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Samantha's POV

     I ws so relieved that Seto had finally woken up. All of the Tinies and the guys had been worried, Kay the most panicked, and I... I didn't let anyone see it, see that I was beyond worried as well, not just Kay. Heck, I had actually cried when they left me alone with him, watching him as he continued to sleep in that coma.

     Then he had finally woken up, and I had let myself cry tears of joy. But he was right when he had commented, "... I don't recall you acting like this when Ty was hurt." So I made sure he was ok before leaving, going upstairs to my room. I closed it partially so one of the Tinies could go through without having to crawl under the door just in case of an emergency, and I slowly sank onto the edge of my bed, taking a deep breath before lying down.

     Why was I ok with crying when Seto's around, but not around the others, or even Ty? It couldn't be a crush, I had feelings for Ty not Seto. Then why?

     I laid there for about half an hour, racking my brain for an answer when I saw the door move slightly, signaling that someone was coming in. I sat up and glanced down to see Mitch with a troubled expression.

     "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, bending over and gently lifting him off the floor. He settled down in the center of my palm, fidgeting slightly.

     "Uh..." Was all he said for a moment. Then he shook his head. "Never mind, you wouldn't believe me." I stared at him with a puzzled expression.

     "Believe what?" I questioned. He bit his lip before looking up at me.

     "I-I think Seto's a- a traitor." He said quickly, flinching when disbelief flooded my eyes.

     "What!?" I exclaimed. "What on Earth would make you think that Mitch!?" He cringed a little more, quivering slightly.

     "I-it's just th-that wh-when I was captured by-by A-Aelam-" He shivered, pulling down the sleeves of his jacket before continuing. "-he-he told me that-that that's where he had gotten it from, the-the shrinking potion. Fr-from Seto." I sighed slowly and closed my eyes for a moment.

     "Yes Mitch, he did get it from Seto, but it wasn't willingly given to him; Eric illegally commandeered it."

     "Oh." Mitch replied in a small voice. Then spoke up again. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to just throw accusations around, I-I just want the others to be safe." I opened my eyes and gazed down at him.

     "It's fine." I lied, ignoring the burning indigence at him calling Seto a liar. Maybe it's because... Eait wait wait wait, could it be that it was because he always took good care of me? Like, a platonic relationship? "So, how are the others?" I asked, wanting to change the subject and the atmosphere of the conversation. His serious guilty expression was replaced with a smile.

     "See for yourself," He answered slyly. I chuckled before sitting up, carrying him out of my room and back downstairs.

     "Oh dear." I stated, stopping in front of the kitchen. Despite the obvious and huge mess, the Tinies had somehow made a stack of pancakes, and the guys were a little powdery from the pancake mix.

"Oh-oh, surprise!" Jason yelped, waving his hands victoriously. The others joined in, some of them trying to brush the white powder off of each other still as I made my way over to the counters where they were.

"What-wh-what's this for?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, we kinda wanted a way to say thanks for going to the trouble of taking care of us, I mean there are a lot of us." Kyleen explained, the others nodding in agreement. I blinked a few times.

"Aww... Guys..." Then I added, "You didn't let Adam operate the stove now did you?" Everyone burst out laughing, almost drowning out Adam's indignant, "Hey, oh yea-oh i see how it is!", which made Kittin giggle.

"Aw cuz you're so hilarious." She snickered, still laughing. I joined in with the banter at her comment.

If Adam had a Chibi expression on him, it'd most likely be the tired and irritated like one (-_-||).

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