Chapter 37- Settling In

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3rd Person POV

"Sir?" A figure stood in the corner of a dark room, located in a dimly lit mansion, his back to the one who had just spoken.

"What is it now, Eric?" He questioned in an irritated tone. Eric dipped his head in a gesture of respect.

"Sir, someone new has joined the household of this Team Crafted. Her name is Jax." The man immediately stiffened, clenching his jaw.

"... How long has she been there!?" He barked, whirling around to face Eric. He flinched at his response.

"F-for only a day, sir." He assured him. The shadowed person glared harshly at him.

"Get rid of her, now! We cannot let her foil our plans!" He snapped. Eric did a small bow with his head before scurrying off.

"Yes sir... Aelam." Aelam gaze followed followed him until he was out of sight, then he let out a sigh mixed with a growl, banging his fist against the window and making it shudder under the impact.

"... Why Jax?" He asked out loud, to no one. "Why are you always getting in my way!?"

Samantha's POV

I wasn't sleeping well. In fact, I was having a restless dream, breathing faster than normal and turning my head from side to side, griping the sheets.

"Eh, no..." I mumbled, my pulse quickening as my breathing grew shallower.

"Samantha." I felt a small tug on my sleeve, and I flinched, still unconscious.

"No... Dun do dis..." I grumbled, turning over on my side and curling up a little under the covers, shivering as I felt an emotion that I hadn't witnessed in a long time: Fear.

"Samantha. Samantha, wake up!" I finally started awake at the small childish voice that shouted softly in my ear, gasping as I woke and scrambling back while almost falling off the bed. Seto fell back in surprise, looking up at me with concern. I immediately sighed in relief, letting my muscles relax.

"... Sorry." I muttered, laying back down. He got back on his feet and walked over to me, sitting down on my hand.

"... What's wrong?" He murmured. "What did you dream?" I sighed inwardly, squeezing my eyes shut for a few seconds.

"... I dreamed-" my voice faltered for a moment, so I let out a small tense cough before starting again, in a squeaky voice. "I dreamed about when-when my parents first died." He gazed up at me with sympathy and sorrow as I continued. "Th-the first day I-I was alone, everything was so... Alone. And-and scary. Everything seemed larger without walls, without having someone you know and love by your side. I-" I stopped and sighed inwardly, rubbing my eyes with the back of my free hand, not seeing Seto get up and edge even closer to me. "I-I almost died that day, because I was so young." I didn't bother to hide the sob in my voice, taking a deep shaky breath as I stared at the window, outside. "A-and then I had to be captured by Eric and treated like an animal and then almost die and I've tried to act strong but my childhood had been ruined for me." I closed my eyes to avoid crying, but I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then I felt something warmth press against my neck.

"I know I'm not tall enough to hug you right now," Seto murmured, nuzzling me. "But I can still do this." I let out a tired scoff, a small smile forming over my lips.

"... Thank you Seto." I whispered, hugging him with my hand. "You've always been so kind, not just to me but to everyone." Then I couldn't help but add teasingly, "Most of all, Jax." I felt him stiffen.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He inquired, looking up at me. I leaned back so I could see him, smirking.

"Hmmm... How long of an explanation do you want?" I purred.

"Were you spying on us!?"

"Mmm maaayybee, maybe not..." He rolled his eyes, which made me laugh a little, then he beamed at me.

"That's what I wanted. A smile." He said softly. I stifled a yawn, still grinning.

"Mmm don't get too excited, the day's still young."

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