Chapter 26- Late Dawn

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Seto's POV (*le gasp XD*)

     I frowned at the spell book's writing, ignoring every blast of energy from the deluge outside as I reread the paragraph on the potion.

     "Mía stagóna aímatos tou Mágou." I sighed and stood back up to my full height, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands. "One drop of Sorcerer blood..." I repeated, in English. I yawned silently before continuing to read. "Mia préza záchari, Kai geio̱méni̱ krithári." I scratched the top of my head in thought, my thoughts seemed to be jumbled. Barley and sugar? It really must have been so long ago that I had made this potion for Samantha Verona, that I didn't even remember the ingredients. I did however, remember one...

     I tilted my hand and let the side of the book close shut. Well at least I already put everything in, all it needs to do is brew for at least a few days, I thought, pulling the hood of my cloak down. As a fork of lightning rattled the windows, I caught of glimpse of myself in the mirror, my eyes glowing bright royal purple. I stared at my reflection for a few seconds before pulling my hoodie back over my eyes, turning to leave the room. I crept up the stairs and walked down the hall, stopping only for a few minutes to eradicate the bee problem with my magic before continuing down the hallway, stopping at the door at the end that was shut. I slowly opened it and peeked in to the room, seeing an adorable sight.

     Samantha was lying on her back, with the guys sleeping on and around her, Ty cuddling her side, Adam asleep on her neck, Mitch and Jason lying on her abdomen, Jordan leaning against her thigh, Jerome and even Ian were both sleeping on her other side. The Tinies were still sleeping where Samantha and I had put them, so I'm guessing that the guys aren't used to this volume of thunder yet.

     Smiling to myself, I softly closed the door again when I heard footsteps behind me. Before I could turn around, something pricked the skin on my neck, and I almost yelled out in alarm when I suddenly lost my voice. My vision blurred, and I blacked out.

*******le time skip of kidnapping >:3*******

     "Sir, he's waking up."

     "Excellent. Even though we used the last of the mix on this freak, I'm glad we did. We need him to make more of it." Everything sounded much louder, and I slowly pieced together what had happened. I was injected with... something. I was kidnapped, and now...

     "Eric, leave us." Footsteps started up and then faded as the person left the room. The world past my eyelids grew darker, and I heard the sound of someone breathing just above me. "I know you're awake," The mysterious person murmured. "Don't try to fool both you and me. You knew this was coming." I opened my eyes to face the one behind all of this, not even flinching when I discovered that I was right. My shrinking potion had indeed been used on me.

     "Who says I'm fooling anything?" I murmured, stifling a yawn. The person sat back, scoffing softly.

     "Let me get something straight. You're in my lab, and you're barely taller than my middle finger; you now do what I tell you to do." Now it was my turn to scoff.

     "Don't get too full of yourself." I taunted. He glared at me with cold calculating eyes, as if trying to figure me out. Then he leaned forward, too close to me for comfort.

     "Oh, I'm not... wanna know why?" He pressed his index finger on my midriff, making me weakly gasp at the pressure and squirm a little. "Because I could easily kill you, all I have to is squeeze you, and then no more." He pushed on me a little harder, and black spots danced in my vision before he finally released me. I gasped in air, weakly coughing. He sat back, watching my suffering for a moment before banging his fist on the table, too close to me. It made me jump, and I rolled away to avoid getting hurt as my ears started ringing. He pinched the back of my cloak and lifted me up into the air, staring at me with an unpleasant smirk as I wheezed with each breath.

     "You see? You're helpless, you can't even use magic." He commented, which sounded muffled since my ears were ringing. He pulled my hoodie down, revealing my eyes and my dusty brown hair. "What kind of Sorcerer can't even use magic?" He held me half a foot above the table before dropping me, and I landed on my feet before falling to my hands and knees, gritting my teeth at the impact. "Now, I'm willing to make some kinda deal." He purred, grabbing me by my hoodie and picking me up again. "Either make more of those shrinking potions, or you'll get to endure more pain." I slowly look up and met his gaze, blinking calmly at him.

     "You think... that scares me?" I croaked, limp in his hold on me. He smirked at me.

     "No, but I'm sure if I brought the neko in this then that will." I felt the blood drain from my face, and his cold smile grew larger. "Aha, as I thought. So, take your choice." I fell silent for a moment before an idea formed in my mind.

     "You're right." I said quietly.

     "About what?" I held my hands up in front of me, closing my eyes.

     "What kind of Sorcerer can't even use magic?" I quoted, smirking as I quickly uttered the spell. His smirk faded and his eyes grew wide.

     "No!" He hissed, but it was too late. My surroundings faded and gave in to darkness, and I blacked out.

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