Chapter 1

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Katie's P.O.V.

"Mommy do I have to go to school today?"

"Yes baby. It's your first day of 4th grade, and you're going to a new school. You know Nat will make sure you're okay."

"Oh okay." I sighed.

Natalie is mama's best friend and she is also going to be my teacher this year!!

When we got to my classroom Mrs. Natalie came over and hugged me tight.

"Hey kiddo, you ready to have fun?" she smiled.

"Mhmm." I nodded

"Alright, well there's an activity on the table, so you go pick a spot and get started okay?"

"Okay! Bye mama, I love you!" I said hugging her.

"Love you too baby!" She kissed my head.

Audrey's POV

"Keep an eye on her, and don't forget about her nut allergy" I said walking out of the room.

Nat just smiled at me. As soon as I turned around I ran into a man and a little boy.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"No, it's totally my fault." He smiled

Brown hair, brown eyes, and perfect teeth. He clearly works out. A lot.

"Oh, my name is Samuel or Sam, and this is my son Jake." He smiled

"My names Audrey! It's nice to meet you Jake!" I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" He smiled back.

"My daughter Katie is inside.."

"Can I meet her?" Jake blurted out.

"Of course!" I laughed and walked back in.

As soon as I introduced Katie and Jake, they ran off playing together. As I was walking to my car I heard a familiar voice, that sent chills down my spine.

"So you think you can just take Katie and run off?" He snarled.

"What do you want Scott?" I said turning around.

"I want you back."

"Scott leave me and Katie alone"
I turned to get in my car when he grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him.

"SCOTT LET ME GO!" I yelled

"Not until you..."

"Get off of her!" Sam yelled, pulling him back. As soon as Scott let go, I fell onto the ground.

"You need to leave." Sam said pointing to Scott's car.

As soon as Scott pulled away, Sam came over to me.

"Hey are you okay?" Sam asked, helping me up.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you for helping me." I smiled.

"So I take it you know him, since you screamed his name?" He questioned.

I let out a sigh and said;
"Yeah, Scott is Katie's dad, and my ex-husband."

"Ohh. I'm sorry things didn't work out" he said rubbing my arm.

A shock went through my body, when he touched me.

"Don't be, it was definitely for the best."

"Would you like to grab some breakfast?" He smiled.

"I'd love too!"

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