Chapter 6

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Samuel's POV

Everybody was finishing up with their meals when Lisa came up and put the check on the table.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I think we're good." I said handing her my card, and the check right back.

Audrey just laughed and patted my thigh.

"Alright, so what movie are we going to see?" I asked looking at them.

"I wanna see Jurassic World!" Katie said bouncing up and down!

"In 3D!!!" Jake blurted out

"Oh my!" Audrey laughed

"Jurassic World in 3D it is!" I said

Once we got to the movie theatre, we got our tickets and glasses, then headed inside.

"Katie, Jake, do y'all want anything to drink?" I asked.

"Mama can I have a blue raspberry icee please?"

"Yeah baby." Audrey smiled

"I want the same!" Jake said

We went up to the counter and ordered, and Audrey reached into her purse and pulled out some money. I grabbed it from her hand and put it back in her purse.

"What are you..."

"I got it." I said smiling at her.

"You've paid for everything we've ever done!"

"That's because it's a date. Of course I'm going to pay!" I said

"Oh my goodness." She sighed

I handed the kids their drinks and I got Audrey and I a large coke.

We went into the movie theatre and looked for some seats. We decided to sit at the top, in the middle.

"I wanna sit by Katie!" Jake said

"Okay! Can I sit in between you and my mom?" Katie asked him

"Yeah!" He smiled

We all sat down and talked about all the movies we wanted to see, while the previews played. When the movie started, I pushed the arm rest between Audrey and I up, and pulled her closer to me. She leaned her head back on my shoulder, and put her arm across my stomach. There were a few times when Audrey hid her face on my chest, I just laughed and rubbed her back. Towards the end of the movie I looked over at Katie and Jake and they were glued to the screen. Once it was over we all walked out to the truck and talked for a few minutes.

"Alright, so what's next?" Audrey smiled

"Can we go back home and play games?" Jake asked

"That's okay with me" Audrey said

So i started the truck and we headed to my house.

After we played a few board games Audrey and Katie decided to leave.

Katie ran over to me and said;

"Bye Mr. Samuel, thank you for everything tonight, I had a lot of fun!" Katie said hugging me.

"You don't have to thank me, I enjoy you and your mom's company. Thanks for coming with us tonight!"

Audrey's POV

Katie ran off to tell Jake bye, and I walked closer to Samuel.

"Thank you. For everything tonight. I had a lot of fun, even if I got a little scared in the movie." I said shyly

He grabbed my hand and pulled me close, so that our bodies were touching. He wrapped his arms around the top of my shoulders, so that I could wrap mine around his stomach.

"I'm so glad you and Katie got to come tonight. I hope we can do this again!"

"Maybe without the kids one time!" I smiled

"Oh yeah, definitely!" He laughed.

As I was pulling away he kissed my forehead, my nose, and then my cheek.

"I'll give you a real kiss, when we're really alone." He said smiling

"Okay." I said softly.

"We have a problem." Samuel said

"What's that?" I laughed

"Your car's at your house." He said laughing.

"Oh gosh!" I said laughing at my stupidity.

"Go get Katie and Jake and I'll start my truck." He said walking outside

On the ride over to my house we all just sang along to radio. When we got there, Katie told them bye again and took off running to the back door.

"Thank you so much!" I said kissing his cheek.

Before I had time to pull away, he had already kissed my cheek.

"Anytime!" He said smiling

As I got inside Katie was running around the house in her underwear.

"What on earth are you doing!" I said laughing.

"Mommy's got a boyfriend! Mommy's got a boyfriend!" She started shouting.

"What am I gonna do with you!?" I laughed and ran over and picked her up.

"Let's go get our showers and we can watch some tv in my room okay?" I asked tickling her.

"Okay!" She said laughing

I'm definitely falling for Samuel, and there's no stopping it. And I'm not sure that i want to stop. He's the perfect man. For me and for Katie.

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