Chapter 19

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I'm so excited that Audrey and I get to spend the evening together! After leaving the lake, I'm taking her to her favorite little diner on the outskirts of town. Once we pulled in Audrey's face lit up!

"I love this place!" She said smiling and jumping out of the truck.

I just laughed to myself and got out of the truck and ran to get the front door for her. As soon as we got in the door, Mrs. Beatrice came and sat us and took our order.

"2 Bacon Cheeseburgers with everything on them. Fries and 2 cokes, and 2 Chocolate milkshakes at the end?" Mrs. B asked, smiling.

"You got it!" I smiled.

"I love you!" Audrey said staring at me.

"Where'd that come from?" I lightly laughed.

"I just see how you are towards people. How genuine of a person you are. And I just love you!" She said exhaling.

"Well, I love you a whole lot. More than you'll ever know or begin to imagine!" I said grabbing her hand.

"So what's all of this for?" Audrey asked, as she took a sip of her Coke.

"Well I promised you I'd take you on a date when we got back, and I never break my promises!" I said, winking at her.

"Yeah i guess you're pretty good at keeping promises!" She smiled.

Mrs. B brought out or food, and we ate and just small talked. Once we finished, I payed and we got into the truck. As we were going down the road, Audrey asked if she could hold my hand.

"Of course baby!" I said intertwining our fingers. I began to rub circles on her hand.

"Is everything OK honey?" I asked concerned.

"Of course! Your hands make me feel safe and comfortable! That's all." She said exhaling.

Once we got home, my mom and Edna decided to sleep in the guest bedrooms. The kids were already asleep, so Audrey and I just went and laid down. She pulled herself as close as she could, wrapped her arms around me, and intertwined her legs with mine.

"I'm so blessed with you." She said sleepily.

"I want you to know something honey." I said.


"I don't love you." I said, waiting on her reaction.

She shot up straight in the bed, and turned to face me.

"WHAT!?" She said with tears already streaming down her face.

I grabbed her hands and she tried to pull them away, but I pulled her onto my lap. She kept trying to get away, but I held her against me.

"Audrey, I'm in love with you." I said kissing her head.

"What?" She said confused.

"I'm in love with you. I love our kids, and our family, but I'm in love with you baby. I didn't mean to freak you out, but I just wanted you to know that." I said the last part quietly.

"I'm in love with you too baby. And don't apologize. I jumped to conclusions too fast." She said laying the exact same way she did earlier.

"You're perfect." I said kissing her on the lips.

"We're perfect." She said smiling, as she pulled away, and laid her head on my chest. Once i knew she was asleep, I knew I could go to sleep myself. This girl, is everything to me. I'm truly in love with her, and I always will be.

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