Chapter 18

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I woke up this morning, and to my surprise Sam wasn't in bed. I stretched, and got out of bed. As I walked into the bathroom, I saw a pair of my jeans, and one of Sam's t-shirts, laid out on the counter. My favorite pair of Nike's, were also in here. I walked over to the sink, to see a note on top of my dress.

• Hey baby, I know you're wondering why I have these items laid out. I have things planned for us later on, and I want you to be as comfortable as possible. (This is also my favorite outfit on you!) I'm out right now getting everything ready, and there a surprise for you in the kitchen. Just relax for a little while, but be ready by 2! I love you baby! 
                                       - your husband ;-) •

I smiled to myself, washed my face, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Katie and Jake were watching tv, and coloring in the living room.

"Good morning!" I said walking over and kissing both of their heads.

"Good morning mama!" They said in unison.

Jake's face turned bright red and he looked down.

"I'm sorry." Jake said softly.

"For what?" I asked squatting next to him, and rubbing his back.

"For saying mama." He said looking up at me.

"Jake, I'm not upset that you called me 'Mama'. In fact, I'm so happy that you called me that. I'm glad that I can be your mom."

"I do think of you as my mom. You make daddy happy, and me too. So I can call you mama?" He asked

"Of course sweetie!" I said kissing his forehead.

They went back to coloring, and I walked into the kitchen. I saw a bouquet of Peonies on the counter. I immediately smiled, because he knew they weren't favorite flowers! The note read;

"Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful girl!"

I looked at the clock and it was a quarter to 1. I decided to go ahead and get ready. I went upstairs and got dressed and applied my makeup. I loosely curled my hair, and spayed some perfume. By the time I got done, it was 1:45. I heard the front door close, and ran downstairs expecting to see Sam. I was surprised to see Betty and my mom standing there.

"Hey! What are you asked up to?" I asked hugging them.

"We're on babysitting duty!" Betty said smiling!

"Really? Did Sam call you?" I asked walking with them to the kitchen.

"He sure did! You two got something planned?" Mama asked.

"He has something planned, I have no clue what it is!" I laughed.

"Well you two should have fun!" Betty smiled.

I heard the front door close again, and heard footsteps running in the kitchen. As I turned around, I was quickly picked up and spun around, while kisses were planted all over my face.

"God you're so beautiful!" Sam shouted as he put me down.

"I love you honey." I said kissing him.

"Hey, contain yourself, our mom's are in here!" He said against my lips.

I just laughed and slapped his butt.

"Mrs. Edna you better get her, she's hitting me!" He said standing behind her and hugging her.

"Audrey you better leave my boy alone!" Mama teased.

I just laughed at them. Katie and Jake both came running in the kitchen, and Sam picked them both up.

"Alright guys, do you mind if I take mommy out for a date tonight?" He said looking at them both.

"Nuh uh!" Katie said! And Jake just shook his head.

"Alright, be good for GiGi and Grandma!" He said kissing their heads. They then ran over and hugged and kissed me goodbye. Sam grabbed my hand and led me to the truck, and we were off. We pulled into a field and basically off-road it. We came to a stop, and Sam got out.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see!" Sam said putting his arm across my shoulders.

We started walking until we reached a lake. We kept walking and he lead me right to a boat.

"You ready?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Mhmm!" I smiled taking it, and stepping in the boat.

I faced Sam as he rowed us out into the middle of the lake, and set the ores down.

"Let's talk!" He said smiling.

"About what?" I asked

"Anything you want baby."

"Jake called me 'mama' today." I said smiling.

"Really!?" Sam asked as his eyes lit up.

"Mhmm! He was scared I was mad at him for saying it, but I explained that it made me happy that he thought of me as his mom."

"That's wonderful baby! I've gotta tell you something too!" He said trying to contain a smile.

"What is it?" I asked

"Katie called me 'Daddy' this morning!" He said smiling as a tear slipped out of his eye.

"Oh baby, that's great!!" I said reaching over and wiping his face.

"Yeah," he said laughing. "I'm just so happy that I have you in my life. And Katie as well. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. I'm definitely blessed." He said holding my hand.

"Baby, you're more than I could ever ask for! You've seen me at my worst, and you bring out the best in me. You take such good care of Katie and I. You're an amazing father, and husband." I said squeezing his hand.

We rowed back to the shore, and walked back to the truck.

"You ready for an amazing night?" He asked resting his hand on the inside of my thigh.

"Definitely!" I said leaning over and kissing his cheek.

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