Chapter 17

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"Hey baby, Michael just called and said that I have to go to a conference in Atlanta on Friday." I said walking into the kitchen, to see her on the phone.

I walked over the the refrigerator to grab a water, and went up stairs to change for my run. As I was sliding my khakis off Audrey walked in.

"Hey baby, you said something about a conference?" She said sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, Michael said I have to go to one in Atlanta, on Friday." I said pulling my shirt on.

"Ohh. It's kinda short notice..." She said disappointed.

"I know baby. I'm sorry." I said sitting next to her.

"It's okay honey, it's not your fault." She said patting my leg.

"I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back Saturday!" I said pulling her up off the bed. She smiled and wrapped her as around me, and kissed my collarbone.

"God I love you." I said kissing her forehead.

"I guess I love you too!" She said as she kissed me.

We walked downstairs and had a family dinner with the kids.


"I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, and you and I are going on a date!" He said kissing my nose.

"Promise?" I questioned.

"Pinky Promise!" He said grabbing my pinky with his, and pulling me close to him.

"I love you Aud" he whispered.

"I love you too baby." I smiled as we kissed one more time as he got on the plane.


This has got to be the most boring conference I've ever been to. I can't even focus long enough to know what's being said. My mind is on Audrey and the kids. I wonder if Audrey wants to have more children. That's a talk that we'll need to have when I get back tomorrow. Once the conference is over we head to the hotel, considering it's almost 11 p.m.

"...she's smokin hot." I heard Michael saying as I walked in the room. I walked into the bathroom to shower. As I was getting undressed, I kept listening to him.

"No man, she's taken."
"Actually got married recently."
"No, they're each other's soul mates, she's not leaving him."
"He's definitely not leaving her. He's in love with her. So we're outta luck man."

Is he talking about Audrey and I? Once I got my shower, I went and backed my bags so I could leave first thing tomorrow. I decided to ask Michael what he was talking about.

"Hey man, what were you talking about earlier!?" I said zipping my bag.

"On the phone?" He asked

"Yeah." I said laying down.

"Oh Josh and I were talking about Audrey."

"Excuse me?" I said sitting up.

"I'm not gonna lie to you. She's hot as hell, and any guy would do her!" He laughed

"Shut the hell up Michael!" I yelled, as I punched him in the face.

He rared back, and hit me square in the nose.

"I swear, if you say one more thing about her, it'll be your ass!" I said shoving him, and  grabbing my bags to leave. I catch the next flight home, and arrive home about 3 in the morning. I haven't washed my fave from where Michael punched me, so it's still bloody. I walked into the bedroom and go straight to the bathroom. As soon as I walked in, I saw Audrey wiping her face with a rag. She jumped and grabbed her chest.

"Oh my gosh you scared the shit out of me!" She said laughing a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked walking towards her.

"I just got sick, nothing big. What are you...oh my! Baby are you okay? What happened?" She said walking to me, and gently touching my face. I flinched out of pain, and she kissed my face softly. She grabbed the rag, and gently wiped my face.

"Let's go lay down." She said leading me to the bed.

Once we laid down, she pulled herself as close as she could to me, and laid her head on my chest.

"I love you baby!" I said

"I love you more." She said leaning up to kiss me.

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