Chapter 13

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I know this chapter isn't much, I'm on vacation, so I don't have a lot of free time. I'll update as much as I can though!

Samuel's POV

It's been a few weeks since we got back from the mountains, and since Audrey and I got engaged. Audrey and I have both returned to work and Jake and Katie have returned to school. We try to have lunch together everyday, but sometimes meetings run late, or things come up, and we can't get away. Today is one of those days. I can't begin to explain how much I love this woman. Her smile is so warm, and I can't help but smile when I see it. I can't help but smile when I see her. She's the most beautiful girl in the world, but she doesn't get that. And Katie, oh my. Katie is the spitting image of Audrey, and she's gonna break my heart when she gets older. I get off at 2 everyday and go pick up the kids, and with Audrey's new schedule, she doesn't get off till 4:30, and she makes it home around 5. I'm on my way to the school, and as I'm passing Audrey's office building, I see a car that looks like Scott's in the parking lot. I immediately pull in, park, and run inside to the elevator. When I get to her office I push her door open, and breathe a sigh of relief when I see her sitting at her desk. She jumped up, and gasped, as she put her hand over her heart.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked breathless

"I'm fine, are you okay honey?" she said with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, I was going to pick the kids up, and I saw Scott's car in the parking lot, and I got worried." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm okay." She said walking over to me and hugging me.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her as tight as I could. She kept assuring me that she was okay, and my heartbeat slowed back down.

"okay, I'm gonna head over to pick the kids up, and maybe run by the store. do you need anything?" I asked heading towards the door.

"I don't think so, please be careful!"

"I will, I love you!" I said kissing her

"Love you too baby" she smiled

After Katie, Jake and I got home, I started cooking dinner, so that it would be ready when Audrey got home. After I finished dinner, I went into the living room and began playing with Katie and Jake. I had Katie over my shoulder tickling her, and Jake was hanging onto my leg, when Audrey walked in.

"Mommy help!" Katie shouted

"Oh my, what's going on!" Audrey said laughing.

"Sam won't stop tickling me!" She said laughing

I put her down, and slowly walked over to Audrey. I started grinning the closer I got to her.

"So Ms. Audrey, are you ticklish?"

"Nuh uh!" she said giggling.

"You sure?" I said reaching out and tickling her sides. she busted out laughing and started running around the living room. She ran right out of her shoes, and up the stairs! When she got to our bedroom she ran straight to the bathroom, and shut the door. She was still laughing through the door. I waited in the hall, to make her think I was gone. When she came back out she had changed into more relaxing clothes. I jumped out and grabbed her and she screamed. I just hugged her tight and rocked side to side. She looked up and kissed me. After we ate, we all sat down and watched tv together. At about 7:30 we decided it was time for the kids to go to bed.

"Alright guys, time for bed!" Audrey said getting up and stretching.

"Please 5 more minutes!" Katie begged

"No baby, you need all the sleep you can get, because tomorrow is Friday, and you need to have lots of energy for our plans tomorrow night!"

"oh okay!" she sighed and ran upstairs with Jake. Once we got upstairs they were already asleep in their rooms. We kissed them both goodnight and went and got in bed. Audrey scooted as close as she could to me and laid her head on my chest .

"I'm so thankful for you." She said letting out a deep breath.

"I'm thankful for you too baby!" I said kissing her head.

"I love you so much!" I said leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you too baby." She said laying her head back down on my chest, making my heart skip a million beats, and causing me to smile.

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