Chapter 20

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Today Sam, Katie, Jake and I are out shopping, and spending the day together, while our floors get redone. We let the kids pick some stores so that they can get new items for their rooms. After we finished shopping we took all of our things back to the truck so that we could go eat. We all agreed to go to the little diner. As we road to the diner, Same rested his hand on my thigh, and I looped my hands around his arm. Once we got there, they all hopped out, but I stayed in to apply more lipstick. I heard my door open, and turned to see Sam standing there with most adorable smile on his face. I swung my legs out of the truck, and he stood between them.

"You know baby, I really wish that you didn't wear makeup. You don't need it." He said rubbing my thighs.

"Oh I definitely do!" I laughed

"Well I think you don't." Sam said backing away

"Well I know I do." I said hopping out of the truck a little agitated.

Sam slammed the truck door while the kids and I walked in. Katie and Jake sat on one side, while Sam and I sat on the other. Sam sat on the outside and as far away from me as he could. While we ate, we talked to the kids, but not to each other. In the way home, he didn't even touch me. He always either rests his hand on my thigh, or holds my hand, not matter of we're arguing or not. We were getting close to Walmart and I needed to grab a few things for dinner.

"Hey baby, I need to run in Walmart really quick." I said, trying to smooth things over a little.

He just pulled in the parking lot and sat there as we got out. I can tell he's really upset, but I didn't think makeup was that important to him.


Audrey doesn't get it. I'm not pissed off or upset that she wears makeup. Yes, I would like her to wear less makeup because I think she's drop dead gorgeous without it. But when she argues with me on things like this, I feel like my opinion doesn't count, or doesn't matter to her. I love this girl with everything I have. That'll never change. Once we got home and put all of the groceries away, Audrey came over and grabbed my hand, while pulling me in the backyard.

"Baby I'm sorry I upset you earlier. That was the last thing I wanted to do, believe me." She said staring straight at me.

I want to forgive her, but this one hurt. More the. She thinks. I leaned over, kissed her forehead, got a pillow and blanket, and went to a guest bedroom downstairs. I could here Audrey crying, which broke my heart into a million pieces. But she's got to understand how I feel, and give me time to calm down. This one...I need two for myself right now.

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