Chapter 29

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Samuel's POV

Over the past couple of days Audrey had returned to her old self, which makes me very happy. I think she realized that we don't have to have a baby. Katie and Jake are both 8 and in the 2nd grade. So it'll be okay if Audrey and I don't have a baby. We have each other and our children.

"Do you wanna go out for dinner tonight, or stay in?" I asked Audrey as I walked into the living room.

"Uhm, we can go out. It's Friday night, so we can have a fun family night out!" She smiled.

"Okay! Sounds fun! Katie, Jake, come downstairs real quick!" I yelled.

We could hear 2 sets of feet running down the steps, and right into the living room.

"Are we in trouble?" Jake asked.

"No! We wanted to know what y'all wanted for dinner?" I said tickling him.

"I want Mexican!" He laughed.
"Mexican huh? What about you Katie Bug?" I asked grabbing her and tickling her too.

"Mexican!" She shouted while giggling.

"Well the only one left is mommy!" I said getting up and going over to Audrey.

"Don't you even think about it!" She giggled.

"Think about what!?" I asked as I sat on her legs and started tickling her.

"Baby...stop! She gasped while laughing.

"What's the magic word?" I teased.

"Mexican!" She said still laughing.

"Mexican it is then!" I exclaimed, stopping, and clapping my hands together!

"Y'all better go change." Audrey said. And with that, they took off upstairs.

"I need to go change too!" She said getting up.

"Nuh uh. You're not changing. You're wearing those jeans, with that T-Shirt, and your Uggs, because it's cold outside. Oh! I guess you can wear a jacket too!" I said winking and kissing her forehead.

"Well what are you wearing?" She asked following me to our bedroom.

"A long sleeve shirt, and my jeans, with boots." I said pulling my T-Shirt off.

Audrey walked over to me, and wrapped 1 arm around my waist, and touched my abs with her other hand.

"You know, we could probably get our meal for free if you went like this!" She said winking at me.

"Oh really now? Are you sure you wanna share me with someone?" I asked squeezing her butt.

Her eyes lit up and she said;

"Hmm. I think I'll keep you for myself!"

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her for a rather long time. Once we were all ready, we all headed to the Mexican restaurant. As we were sitting there eating, Audrey looked like she got a little sick, so she stopped eating.

"You okay baby?" I asked rubbing her back.

"Yeah, my stomach feels funny though. I think I'll just take the rest home."

"Okay." I said kissing the side of her head.

Once we got home, Katie and Jake were surprisingly tired so they decided to go to bed. Once we got them tucked in, we headed to our bedroom and changed into our pajamas to lay down.

"Are you feeling any better baby?" I asked pulling her close to me.

"A little. Maybe it was just the food." She said softly, as she laid her head on my chest.

"Yeah. Hopefully you'll feel better in the morning." I said as I rubbing her back.

"Mhmm." She let out.

"I love you baby, try to get some sleep." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too baby." She said leaning up to kiss me.

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