Chapter 25

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              AUDREY'S POV

Samuel and I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together the past few weeks. We've both been swamped at work, working extra hours, and it's like we're never at home at the same time. I miss having alone time with my husband.

"Mommy, is daddy here this morning?" Jake asked while taking a bite of his bacon.

"No baby, he's not. He had to go in super early this morning. But I think he's picking y'all up from school today!" I said, trying to make it a little better.

"I just really miss him a lot. And I really miss you when you're not here too.." He said softly.

"I know baby, but we've both just been really busy lately. I promise that we're going to start spending lots of more time together! Deal?" I asked, tickling Jake.

"Deal!!" He giggled.

"Are y'all ready to go?" I asked pouring my coffee in a mug.

"Are we not riding the bus?" Katie asked.

"No! I'm gonna start taking y'all to school again! Is that alright?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"YESSSS!!!" They both shouted.

I couldn't help but laugh at them. We loaded up in my SUV, and headed to school. Once we got there, I walked them to class, and told them bye. I then walked over to talk with Natalie.

"Hey girl, how have you been?" She smiled, as she hugged me.

"I've been good. Things have been crazy the past few weeks, with mine and Sam's work schedule. I don't think we've been in the same bed together for more than 1 or 2 hours at night. But how've you been?" I smiled.

"I've been great actually! I'm..."

"Mommy, did you know Mrs. Natalie is pregnant!?!" Katie shouted running over to us.

"Really? That's great Nat, congratulations!" I said hugging her.

"Thank you so much Aud! Have you and Sam talked about having kids together?" She asked

"Yeah mommy, are you and daddy gonna have babies?" She asked looking up at me.

"I don't know baby. I would like to have babies with daddy, but we don't need to talk about that right now." I said kissing her forehead as she ran off.

As I got back to the house I noticed Sam's vehicle was in the driveway. I turned the car off, and ran inside.

"Baby!" I shouted.

There wasn't an answer.

"Baby, are you in here?" I shouted again.

I ran upstairs to our bedroom. As soon as I entered it, I heard the shower being turned off in the bathroom. I walked to the other side of the bedroom to the bathroom. Sam had a towel wrapped around his waist, and was quickly running his hands back forth in his hair, getting the water out.

"Hey baby!" I said admiring my husband.

"Oh my gosh baby I'm so happy to see you!" He said coming over and hugging me. I got so lost in his scent, and the warmth of his body. I just laid my head on his chest.

"I've missed you." I said softly.

"I know baby, and I've missed you too. I'm so sorry I've been working long hours, and I haven't been able to spend time with you. But I promise, I'll make it up to you." He said kissing my head.

"I love you so much honey." I said looking up at him.

"Well I love you way more!" He said and began kissing me all over my face. I started laughing uncontrollably.

             SAMUEL'S POV

My hours have returned to normal now, so I am able to spend more time with my family. Speaking of family, I would really like to have children with Audrey. I mean, we have Katie and Jake, but I would love to have children with her. I'll probably talk to her about it tonight. Right now we're on our way home from dinner, and the kids are asleep in the back. Audrey's been kind of on edge for a few days, and I'm not sure what's going on. We got home, and got the kids to bed, and then went to our bedroom. I already had my jeans off and was taking my shirt off when Audrey got up and walked to the bathroom. She was just standing there looking at herself in the mirror. I walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her.

"Baby talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind." I said kissing the side of her neck.

"Children." She croaked out.

"What about them?" I asked, looking at her in our reflection.

"I want them. With you. I wanna have babies with you." She said turning to face me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked brushing her hair back.

"Yeah. I want this more than anything Sam." She said as her eyes began to water.

"I would love nothing more than to make, and have babies with you honey." I said kissing her.

"Really!?" She said as a smile appeared.

"Mhmm..." I said suggestively, pulling her closer to me.

"In fact, I think we should start working on this 'making a baby' thing pretty soon. Like right now." I said picking her up and taking her to the bed. I could see in her eyes how much she wanted this. I began to kiss her neck, while she kissed me anywhere she could. We made love for hours. This woman is absolutely amazing. How could someone be this perfect.

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