Chapter 22

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It's been about 2 weeks and I'm so glad Samuel and I could work through our argument. I absolutely hate fighting with him. It breaks my heart to fight with him, because I feel like I'm hurting him, and that's not at all what I want to do.

"Hey baby, do you mind if mama comes over this afternoon to watch the kids. I've got a meeting after work, and I won't be able to get them after school." I said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, that's great actually. Michael just called and said we have a meeting too. Will she be able to get them from school?" He asked handing me a plate of food.

"Mhmm." I said taking a sip of coffee.

Jake and Katie ride the bus to school now, since the time isn't convenient for Sam or I. They left about 15 minutes ago. I finish up my breakfast and grab my keys to go start my car. When I get back inside, Sam isn't in the kitchen anymore.

There was no answer, so I began to look for him.

"Sam I'm gonna be late for work, come tell me bye!"

I walked into the bedroom and saw him standing there with flowers in his hand. I blushed as I slowly walked over to him.

"Are those for me?" I asked him.

He wrapped his free hand around my lower back, and pulled me as close as he could. I wrapped one of my arms around his and placed my other hand on his chest.

"These...are actually for the most beautiful girl in the world..." He paused and looked around the room, and then looked back at me and said

"Which I guess would be you!" And handed them to me.

"I love them!" I said kissing his cheek.

"And I love you." He said with the biggest smile.

"Hmm..I love you more!"

He picked me up and walked downstairs, and out to my car, then set me down.

"Have a wonderful day baby!" He said.

"You too honey, I love you!" I said leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you more!" He said patting my butt.

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