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     SeokJin woke up around 0700. (7am.) Stretching his sore limbs and looking over to the other bed in the room. He quickly sat up and looked YoonGi over. He somehow looked smaller. He hated how everything had been going lately. There was a lot of tension around the house, especially between NamJoon and YoonGi. Sighing, he decided to let YoonGi sleep for a while and he headed for the kitchen to make breakfast for all of them.

     As he was getting what he needed to prepare breakfast he also started a pot of coffee. "Hyung?" SeokJin heard JungKook's low ruff voice from just waking up. "Yes Baby. Did you need something?" SeokJin asked softly as he made his way over to the couch, sitting on the edge next to JungKook. "Is Hyungie awake yet?" "No Baby. I thought I would let him sleep in while I made breakfast." SeokJin replied as he caressed the side of his face. JungKook leaned into the touch. "Good." JungKook sighed. "He needs to rest more." "Yes he does Kook-ah. Yes he does." SeokJin sighed back. "Can I watch you make breakfast?" JungKook asked softly. "Of course Baby." SeokJin replied with a smile as he helped JungKook get up from the couch, handing him his crutch and securing his left arm in a sling, and walking behind him to make sure he kept his balance. "You've gotten pretty good at getting around." "Yeah. I can't wait to get started on physical therapy. I want to be able to help Hyungie out more." JungKook replied with a small smile.

     SeokJin got to work making breakfast while JungKook sat on a barstool, leaning against the counter watching. "It smells so good already." JungKook spoke as he inhaled deeply. SeokJin smiled as he continued working on their breakfast. It wasn't too long and NamJoon was making his way into the kitchen while holding a very sleepy looking TaeHyung's hand. "Good morning Hyungs." JungKook spoke with a smile. "Morning." TaeHyung mumbled while rubbing his eyes with his free hand. JungKook giggled softly. NamJoon walked up behind SeokJin, giving him a one handed back hug and resting his chin on his shoulder. "Morning Hyung. Do you need any help?" "Uh uh. Nope. Not from you. Tae Baby, would you like some juice or tea?" SeokJin quickly replied to NamJoon's offer. "Juice please." TaeHyung replied as he released NamJoon's hand and made his way over to JungKook. JungKook welcomed him with his arm stretched out, pulling him into his side and kissing the top of his head.

     Soon enough a sleepy looking HoSeok followed by a half asleep JiMin entered the room. HoSeok quickly poured a cup of coffee and placed it in front of JiMin who was now sitting at the table. "This will help Mini." He spoke as he leaned down kissing the top of JiMin's head. "Thanks Hobi." JiMin rasped out. "HoSeok why don't you help me set the table and someone should probably go wake up YoonGi." SeokJin spoke as he started placing food down on the table. "I'll go Hyung." NamJoon quickly replied as he made his way upstairs to their rooms.

     NamJoon stood outside YoonGi's door. He knocked twice but was surprised when he heard YoonGi tell him the door was open. He slowly opened the door, peaking his head inside. "You're awake?" NamJoon questioned. YoonGi scoffed looking up from his phone. "Was I not supposed to be?" YoonGi rolled his eyes as he continued scrolling on his phone. "What are you doing up so early Hyung? You were up late and should be getting more rest." NamJoon spoke as he made his way across the room and sat on the edge of YoonGi's bed. "Were you not just going to wake me up?" YoonGi questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion. "That's not the point Hyung. You have to take care of yourself and our babies. You remember our babies, right? The ones you are carrying inside of you." Frustration clear in his voice. YoonGi set his phone down beside him and glanced over at NamJoon. "What do you want from me?" YoonGi spoke through clenched teeth. "I want you to think of someone other than yourself for once." NamJoon gritted out. YoonGi's eyes widened slightly before he looked down at his hands that were in his lap. "If you have nothing else to say then come down to eat." NamJoon spat out as he made his way to the door. "Don't keep us waiting."

     After hearing his door close again a single tear rolled down his cheek. YoonGi quickly wiped it away. He was angry at himself for being upset but he couldn't help the dark thoughts that ran through his head at NamJoon's words. He picked his phone up looking at the current house he had been looking at, sighing, he backed out of the app. He would have to talk to the real estate agent that afternoon. YoonGi quickly made his way to the restroom to wash his face before heading down for breakfast. He knew he wouldn't be able to eat much but he also knew that if he didn't go down and at least try then NamJoon would just get even more pissed at him.

     Making his way down the stairs HoSeok came into view first. "Morning Hoba." YoonGi mumbled out. "You okay Hyung?" HoSeok asked softly. "I'm fine." YoonGi replied with a small forced smile. "Oh YoonGi-ah. Come. Sit." SeokJin spoke up directing everyone's attention towards YoonGi. He quickly made his way to the table and sat down. "Here. I want you to try eating some fruit first. I talked to your doctor and she suggested that you eat more fruit in the morning and see how you do with that. I also scheduled your next appointment." SeokJin spoke softly, whispering the last part into YoonGi's ear as he was leaned over so that the others wouldn't hear their conversation. YoonGi just gave a short nod in agreement as he started to eat the cut up fruit in front of him.

     As he continued eating he realized that while eating the fruit his nausea started to subside. He still grew full quickly but at least he wasn't completely miserable trying to eat foods that were only going to come right back up a few minutes after he finishes eating it. Everyone around the table grew quiet as they watched YoonGi slowly eat the bowl of sliced fruit that had been placed in front him. JiMin couldn't help the smile that spread across his face seeing YoonGi finally be able to enjoy food again. YoonGi occasionally glanced up, looking around the table, watching the others enjoy their meal until he made eye contact with NamJoon. YoonGi has never been one to cower in front of anyone, especially one of his boyfriends but he just couldn't look NamJoon in the eyes knowing how disappointed NamJoon has been with him lately.

     He quickly found himself looking back down at his now empty bowl. He refused to speak but kept his head down. SeokJin watched him. He soon realized that YoonGi wasn't going to say anything or even move from his current position. "Would you like to try some toast now?" SeokJin suggested softly. YoonGi swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. "No. Thank you. Can I.." YoonGi's voice was deep, raspy, and still a bit rough from only recently waking up. NamJoon quickly cut him off. "You should eat more." Everyone was now looking at YoonGi expecting another argument to start. YoonGi only gave a short nod in agreement. He was full but he really didn't want to anger NamJoon anymore than he already had.

     SeokJin quickly brought over a couple pieces of toast with butter on a small plate and placed it in front of YoonGi with an encouraging smile. YoonGi forced a small smile as he glanced up at SeokJin hoping he hid his growing discomfort. He could feel them watching him so he took a bite of the toast hoping they would find something else to look at or find a topic to discuss and draw their attention away from him. Anything so that they weren't staring at him. It was taking everything in him to keep from breaking and it would kill him to know that his boyfriends had to watch him grow weak and fall apart.

     YoonGi chewed what he could, he swallowed the food, and continued to force himself to continue. He wasn't sure how much it would take to make NamJoon happy and he didn't want to ask. "You okay Hyungie?" JungKook whispered next to him, noticing how quiet YoonGi had been. He only gave a short nod as a response. "Stop being rude YoonGi." NamJoon spoke up. No honorifics used. JungKook's eyes widened slightly as he watched YoonGi. They all grew quiet, no longer eating their food. The maknaes all watched, waiting for YoonGi to fire back or grumble about NamJoon's lack of honorifics. "Sorry." YoonGi softly spoke. "I'm fine Kook." He replied, almost as if on auto pilot, as if he had rehearsed those words before speaking them.

     NamJoon looked at YoonGi, his brow quirked up, silently questioning YoonGi's behavior. He watched as YoonGi finished the last of his toast and wrapped his arms around his own waist. "Are you okay?" He now questioned YoonGi himself. "Yes." YoonGi breathed out still not looking up from the table. "Okay everyone, we all have things to do today. We should get moving." SeokJin suggested.

     After hearing SeokJin they all started to get up, collecting dishes, cleaning the table, and making their way to their rooms to get cleaned up and get ready for the day. "JungKook, I will go get you some clothes and your toiletry bag. You can use the downstairs bathroom." SeokJin informed JungKook before making his way up the stairs. Everyone moved quickly. YoonGi could not get to his room fast enough.

     Once inside his room he stretched in between gathering what he needed to get ready for the day, trying to ease how full he felt and feeling the nausea starting to creep back up was truly frustrating. He wanted so badly to keep his food down. He wanted to do everything he could to help his babies grow and keep them healthy but fighting the urge to vomit the food he had forced himself to eat just to make NamJoon happy was getting harder and harder. YoonGi gently placed his hand on his stomach. "I'm sorry I'm not a better Appa." He mumbled under his breath as he gently rubbed his tummy, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.


Word Count: 1782


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