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     HoSeok and JiMin were heading out the door, saying bye to JungKook, and heading off to the studio to work on their dancing. SeokJin and TaeHyung followed soon after saying bye to JungKook as they were heading to their vocal lessons. SeokJin of course reminding him that his physical therapy session will be in the afternoon and to expect a Dr. Park to begin his PT. "Okay JK. I'll be home for dinner. I'm heading out to the studio. YoonGi Hyung will be here if you need anything. Just let him know and of course just call if you need me." NamJoon rushed out as he kissed JungKook's forehead and then headed out the door.

     It was quiet with everyone out. YoonGi was home but he's usually pretty quiet. JungKook couldn't help but look at the stairs and wonder if YoonGi was really okay up there. He knew something was off with him from his behavior that morning but he wasn't sure what was going on. 'Maybe I should text him and see if he'll come down here. Maybe he can keep me company. Usually if we had been left at home alone we would of already gotten comfy on my bed together with a movie playing, making out, are bodies pressed together, and are legs entangled but he just seems so far away.' *Sigh* JungKook couldn't help but wonder and worry about YoonGi. He knew things had been hard on him and he definitely didn't make things easy for him at first but he really wanted to be there for him now.




Are you okay?

I'm okay.
It's just kind of lonely down here.
Will you maybe come down?
We can watch a movie?

I'm getting ready for the day.
Did everyone else leave already?

Its just us that's home.
The others won't be back
until later this afternoon.

I will be downstairs as soon as
I'm finished getting ready.

Thanks Hyungie.


     JungKook couldn't help his small smile. He was excited to be able to spend a little alone time with YoonGi. Exhaling deeply in content at the thought of being alone with his YoonGi Hyung he leaned his head back on the sofa and tried to wait patiently for YoonGi to come join him downstairs.


     YoonGi was upstairs pacing the floor while talking on the phone. "Yes. Of course. Okay. I can get that to you by the end of the day. Yes. Thank you." He spoke before disconnecting the call. He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Okay." He mumbled to himself as he looked through his desk for some paperwork and then quickly shot a text for his manager to come pick up a few things. "Okay. Now I can relax a little with Kookie." He whispered as he gently rubbed his lower belly.

     Making his way down the stairs, YoonGi couldn't help the small smile that spread across his lips when JungKook came into view. "Oh Hyungie!" JungKook spoke up with a bright smile. "Can we watch a movie together until it's time for my PT?" "Of course Baby. What movie would you like?" YoonGi asked softly as he made his way over to the sofa. Jungkook handed YoonGi the remote to the tv as he propped his bad knee up on a pillow. YoonGi quickly turned the tv on. "Just pick something on Netflix." JungKook suggested. At the moment he really didn't care what they watched he was just happy to get a little alone time with his YoonGi Hyung. "Sure Baby." YoonGi replied as he searched through their Netflix account looking for something they hadn't watched yet.

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