Untitled Part 8

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A week later.

Crow and Dare both were getting teeth pulls.

Crow was getting his wisdom teeth pulled and Dare was getting his tonsils taken off.

Also Kyro was because he also had to get his wisdom teeth.

So Mr. and Mrs. Liu have to deal with all three of their youngest kids getting teeth pulled.

Kyro wouldn't be able to drive himself there since he would be on pain medicines.

Kyro was sitting down on his phone talking to Raine on the phone.

Those two are now dating.

Raine told him he'll visit him when he's healing, he also said "Tell your everyone I said hi."

Which he did.

Both Dare and Crow told their boyfriends and friends about what was going on.

Once it was all over.

All three of the Liu's youngest kids all had to be in wheelchairs because they were on a lot pain medicines.

Dealing with your three youngest kids who are all on pain medicine.

"My face feels funny. "Said Crow.

"Puffer fish. "Said Kyro about his own swollen face.

"My face hurt, I want ice cream. "Said Dare.

"I think I see a dog, I wanna pet the dog. "Said Kyro who just saw a dog.

Followed by Kyro was like "I love that dog I want a dog, I want pie."

Followed by Dare waving to people and Crow poking his face and going ouch.

They were helped into the car.

Their mother looked in the backseat and all three of them were asleep.

Dare was in pain and was given pain medicines.

The house was quiet since all three of the boys were sleeping.

Then they were given soft and liquid food.

Kyro throw up his food and then Dare and Crow did the same.

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